‹ Prequel: Calling Grace
Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Complete. =)

Drink Me Dry

That Day

I can still see your face in my dreams at night, your tears still fill my mind when you told me you'd been done with me, I'm sorry I let you go but I'd been waiting for the day we'd meet again, I never stopped loving you, God Come Cover me with you, your comforting grasp heals me for long, ich liebe dich and that is never going to change as long as time goes on!


Thank god! I've always been dreaming of that day when we'd meet again ever since you left me and danke it is here, that day has arrived and as I always loved you it never ceased to amaze me, I was never ready to lose you then you returned, come cover me with you, I need to breathe and live with you I cannot take it! I love you and nothing's going to change! Come cover me with you, you're my soul, come cover me with you! That day has now arrived, we reunited and are back together...


Heaven today, compared to this day, is but a child's game and when I even think of your name, my heart flutters with joy, heaven today is but a name to cover the pain when you left, now you are back! My love never went cold. My heart beats with you, the fire is still always there. For the heart I once had, is back again, the day that I dreamed of has now happened I always longed for the love we had again, wishing today you never went away, that's nothing but an excuse of child's play

(Chorus x3)

We can fight the weight of the dark world, I will always hold on to your weak and hoping touch for us all, I believe in fantasy and mine is everything you could ever be for the heart I once had is beating again! Forever in death I will always love you, the music plays and it sings to me: Get her back, well well it seems I have...if I believed in fantasies mine would be all real, you've brought me back to life and I love you forever, don't let them get to you I don't want anyone else! Forever in death I only want you I only long for your touch!

(Chorus x3)

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Methinks Imma be getting better, ja? xD Hahaha. :)