‹ Prequel: Calling Grace
Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Complete. =)

Drink Me Dry

Stay Forever

Now when I'm with you, my spine turns to dust and I can't even stand looking into your eyes, my fears escalate to unbearable heights, I lose my mind and shut you out! Yet I'm still played like a fool, you shut me out! Tried to take me in, my so-called life is wearing thin! This so-called love is burning to ash, I will NEVER back down and will never fade away as long as you burn to dust


All the while, I only wish to stay forever away from your side, you repulse me and everytime your gaze lands on me I feel sick inside as I, I die within and my fire burns out then I fall down dead! I won't let you bring me down as long as my final song is engraved to your brain! Let the music play...I know this road as I've seen it before, crawling to the mountains for a sanctuary I was bled alive now I don't have a reason to live here any more...I'm getting clearer as to what I should do, never loved you again so why am I here? My secret is behind an un-opened door.


You lied to me, I killed myself on the inside now I'm getting my way out of here! Verdammen, I thought I loved you, apparently I was never good enough as you cheated behind unopened doors, I saw the sign across the distant shore, now I'm drowning my sorrow away, camera flashes mean nothing to me we obviously weren't meant to be, but dear Gott if you touch me I will kill you most painfully, I know your smirk always saw it before as I died behind the unopened door, I saw his lies from a distant sea, I never knew why I'd been lied to, now I will stay forever and always away from you, burn to Dust

(Chorus x3)

Way up here, my head is clouded with all the dark emotions of my soul, you kept my heart for all this time now I want it back as my mind is wearing thin! I will never back down from you, but I'll fade away, I'll leave your ass with these famous last words: hallelujah, I won't see you again, my skill to love is dead inside I'm probably destined, to die alone (danke gott)

(Chorus x3)

♠ ♠ ♠

spring nichtx = You'll Be Forever Sacred. Check it the fucking Hell out! One of THE best T.H. stories I have EVER read! It's addictive. It's dramatic. Comedic. Sad at times. The writing is perfect. The girl character puts up with a shitload of her boss's negativity and STILL survives insanity. CHECK HER STORY OUT, FOLKS! If you TRULY think I have ANY writing talent (compared to this girl I don't even EXIST!) YOU WILL CHECK HER STORY OUT.

1) spring nichtx
2) mitochondriaeve1 (I think)
3) vamp_chick
4) Eyesofaliar