When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide: Chapter One

“Mother! Mother, where are you?!?” You yelled at the top of your lungs scrambling down the stairs.

“What on earth is the matter?” she replied with an apprehensive look on her face.

“Mum, I cannot find my corset ANYWHERE! I need it tomorrow morning! For the ceremony! Commodore invited me to come. You know, that Jack Sparrow is finally getting what he deserves. The fool has been terrorizing these waters for AGES. He’s ridiculous! And all those women who think he is the sexiest man who exists! My God, mother, he’s a pirate! He should be damned to Hell if you ask me!” you said angrily.

“Excuse me?” your mom said with a warning look on her face.

“Sorry Mum.” You replied.

“Yes well, your corset is in your room. I had it cleaned. You do not need that garbage anyway. You are beautiful enough already.”

“Mother, Do you realize how silly I would look? I would look like a pig in a sea of flamingos!”

“What are silly are those stupid corsets. You know, it’s slowly killing you every time you wear it. Anyway, it’s getting late. You’d best be getting ready for bed. You’ve got a big day ahead of you. I love you. Goodnight.” She said. You hugged her and hustled upstairs.

You found your corset and hung it up by the dress you were planning to wear the next day. You got in your bed and blew out the flame by your bedside. You sat in the dark thinking about the horrible man that some people considered a hero. What a con! You closed your eyes and tried to ignore the rage inside. Slowly your thoughts drifted away and you fell into a deep sleep.

You dreamed that you were in Jack’s place, that you were the one who was being executed. The noose was placed around your neck. The floor dropped beneath you and your breath was drawing short. You could no longer breathe.

You woke with a start, drenched with sweat. You stood up and rubbed your eyes. You shook your head, clearing your mind of the dream. Today was the big day. The hearing. You went into your bathroom. You looked in the mirror. Your towel was hanging on a hook. You picked it up and dabbed your face dry. Your brush was on the counter. Your hair was naturally a medium brown, but you spent nearly all of your time outside, and you never wore your hat as your mother told you to. The sun had lightened your hair to a nearly blonde color. It was fairly long and twisted in loose curls. You picked up the brush and tried desperately to make your hair lay the right way and be as perfect as you could get it. You finished putting on your make up and getting ready. When you were satisfied, you went next door to your brother’s room. It was nearing 8:00 AM and the ceremony was at nine. You woke your brother and asked him to help you with your “silly” corset. He reluctantly got up and followed you into your room.

“Why am I doing this again?” Your brother asked.

“Because, Andy. Commodore Norrington wants me to come to the hearing, and if I don’t have a corset, I’ll look out of place, and if I ask mum to help me out, she’ll tell me these things are “silly” and that I don’t need it and give me a huge lecture.” You replied. Your brother’s name was Andrew Wright. Yours was Isabella Wright. The two of you were twins. Andrew was only four minutes older than you, and you got along pretty well.

“So, Norrington has a thing for you, eh?” He said, giggling while you were putting your corset on.

“Get over here and tighten this for me” you said. Andrew walked over to you and pulled the laces of the corset. “He does not,” He pulled the corset slightly more “have a thing” He pulled again. “For me,” You gasped. He began to pull again but you breathed out a small “enough”

“Sorry,” he said. You walked into your closet and fished out your dress. “I think he does” said Andrew. You began to layer on petticoats and the many layers of your dress.

“He does not. You know he fancies Elizabeth Swann.” You said out of your closet.

“Bell, you’re so naive.” He said.

You looked out of the closet and gave him a curious look. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that that man is a two-faced liar and whatever you do, you should stay away from him.”

“Yes well...I don’t fancy him anyway. I find him extremely arrogant.”

“Then why go with him?”

“I’m being polite, thank you. Something you should learn how to do.”

“Isabella! I’m so hurt!” He said in a mock offended voice.

“Shut up, Andy. Why don’t you come with me and you can keep an eye on Norrington and me. Will that make you happy?” you asked.

“I’ll be ready in ten minutes!” he said gleefully.

Later on Andrew leads you through the crowd gathered around the gallows. You had arrived just before it began. Jack Sparrow was standing in the middle, looking calm and prepared. An official spoke. “Jack Sparrow, let it be known that you have...”

Jack swore and you read his lips. “Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow.” He said under his breath.

The official continued. “For your willful commission of crimes against the crown. Said crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature, the most egregious of these to be cited here with - piracy, smuggling, impersonating an officer of the Spanish Royal Navy, impersonating a cleric of the Church of England”

You could have sworn you saw Jack laugh.

“Sailing under false colors, arson, kidnapping, looting, poaching, brigandage, pilfering, depravity, depredation, and general lawlessness. And for these crimes you have been sentenced to be, on this day, hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul.” Said the Official

(Me: this part was actually copied from the script online. I’m not a POTC obsessed freak who watches the movie all the time to figure out the exact words.)

That’s when the chaos let out. The noose is put around Jack’s neck. A young man, who you recognize as the town’s blacksmith, shouts “MOVE!” and throws a sword as Jack falls through the trap-door, giving him a foothold. People begin to run all about. Jack escapes from the gallows and runs with the blacksmith. They run past guards and end up surrounded.

“Let’s go.” Andrew said tugging on your hand. The two of you ran into a shop where you climbed the stairs to the roof to view the scene. There were shouts for a while, but you see Elizabeth Swann enter the circle and join Jack and the blacksmith. The weapons are lowered. You can see Jack speaking but you cannot hear him. He begins to back up. You hear the last part of what Jack says, “Friends! This is the day that you will always remember as the day that-” He backs up a bit too far and falls into the ocean. Afterward, the crowd disperses.

“Well! I can NOT believe it! That man is so despicable! One day I swear, he’ll get what he deserves.” You said with hate in your voice.

“Oh lay off it! You and I both know you’ve had a crush on him since you were fifteen. I know. I read your diary!” he said

You gave him an I-cant-believe-you-just-admitted-to-that look. “WHAT???” you said, furious.

“Yes. I did it. I’m not going to deny it. ‘Oh that Jack Sparrow is just SO gorgeous! I wish he would marry me!’ ” he said in a mock tone.

“YOU FILTHY BASTARD!” you screamed as you stomped away.

“Isabella!” you heard him say. But you didn’t turn back.
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