When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide: Chapter Two

You didn’t go home though. You were headed towards downtown, but before you got there, a familiar voice called your name.

“Bella!” you heard someone say. You turned around and saw your best friend since you were 12, Hannah. “Where have you been all summer?!?!” she asked.

“Well, you know, father’s been sick with tuberculosis for a while now. He’s just getting better now.” You replied. Your father was a part of the East India Trading Company, so no one in your family was a big fan of Jack, but the truth was, you did have a crush on him when you were fifteen, but that was two years ago. Things change in two years, right? Jack was a horrible man! The damned fool! You had always been afraid that your father would find out that you fancied him. Two years ago that is. But Andrew read your diary! The only place you could write your feelings without everyone finding out. What if Andy had told your father? He couldn’t have. Your father would have said something by now right? But it didn’t matter anymore. That was in the past. Two years in the past. So it didn’t matter.

You were so jealous of Hannah. She was so beautiful and always got all the boys since you’d known her. She had long dark brown hair, big brown eyes, and olive skin that was always perfect. Every guy in Port Royal had been in love with her at least once in their lives. And it wasn’t fair. She was about 5’9” You were only 5’6”. Sure, you were pretty; your eyes were a deep teal-blue color. You had very light skin and your body was slight and delicate, but Hannah was beautiful. She was one of those people who you want to hate, but they’re so nice, that you can’t. “It’s nearly September! And we haven’t spent time together since June!” she said. “Come with me, I’ve got to go to the blacksmith, my parents are putting a new iron fence around our house, and Will Turner is building it for us.” She said walking towards the shop with you following shortly behind.

“Wait, Will Turner? The one Elizabeth Swann fancies? The one who helped Jack Sparrow?” you asked.

“Yes. But, uh, we can look over that, at least for now?”

“Yes, well. Come on. I’d like to talk to him anyway.” You said. You reached the shop and knocked on the door. There was a bit of rumbling and the young man you saw at the hearing opened the door, out of breath.

“Oh! Hannah, I was expecting your father to come, but come in, come I-oh. Who is this?” he said, regarding you.

“This is my best friend Isabella. I’ve known her since we were about 12 I think. Will-Isabella, Isabella-Will”

“Oh. Well, hi. Nice to meet you,” he said with a smile.

“Yes. You too,” you said cautiously. “So, you’re not in trouble for helping out Mr. Sparrow?” you asked bluntly.

“That’s CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow,” he said with a touch of anger in his voice. “And well, I probably will be, but as of right now...no.” he said, this time a bit calmer.

“Later!” Hannah whispered in your ear, a bit louder than she meant.

“No, now. I’d like to talk to her. Have a seat.” said Will as he pulled up a chair for you and motioned for you to sit down. You pulled up your own chair and sat down. “Very well,” he said under his breath. He sat down across a table from you. “So, I’m assuming you’re not a fan of Captain Sparrow?”

“A fan? He disgusts me! He’s a pirate!”

“And a good man. Besides, I’m a pirate too, as is Elizabeth. And I find that insulting.”

“Well I’m sorry that I prefer to follow the law.”

“As did I, but you don’t know Jack Sparrow. He kind of makes breaking the law...fun.”

“Fun or not, it’s breaking the law.” You pointed out. “Anyway, I should be going. I’ll let you and Hannah continue your appointment, but I daresay I would like to finish our conversation later.” You said. You stood up and marched out of Mr. Turner’s shop.

“What a nice girl” Will whispered to Hannah.