When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide: Chapter Three

You stormed into the front door and rushed up the stairs. You went into your room and saw Andy sitting on your bed facing the other way. “What, have you decided to read every last thing I wrote?” you said coldly.

“Bella, please. Listen.” He said. He stayed where he was and did not turn around. “I’m a guy. I make mistakes. I’m your brother! You can’t expect me to be perfect!”

“But I can expect you to respect me. And my privacy.” You said sitting down next to him. You looked at him but he wouldn’t look back. “I’m not mad. I’m just...disappointed.”

“I’m sorry,” He said. “So what’d you do after you called me a filthy bastard?” he asked, looking at you for the first time since you had stormed away.

“Well, I saw Hannah. We caught up some. And then she asked me to come with her to meet with the blacksmith, Will Turner. So, I met the man who helped Sparrow escape.” You said acting disgusted.

“Isabella. Honestly, you can’t really expect me to believe you hate Jack. I read it with my own two eyes. You can’t hide it,” said Andy.

You looked down to your feet and blushed. “Okay, so maybe I have a little crush...but do you know how angry father would be if he found out? He works with the East India Trading Company. Do you have any idea how hated he is there?” You said to him.

“Yes, but I don’t appreciate you screaming out that I was a bastard in front of the whole city. At least wait till we get home! And I know about dad. I wouldn’t tell him about it ever. I swear. To be honest...I like Jack...I think he’s got a great head on his shoulders, even if he IS drunk all the time...And if you’re interested in him...then I approve...Of course you don’t need my approval...but still...uh...well...um...” he rambled on. Andy never was very good with words.

“I really need to work with you about that. Maybe you’ll get a girlfriend if you can speak well.” You said laughing. “But thank you anyway.” You added. Andy laughed and hugged you lightly.

“You know, I’m really glad that we’re not like Hannah and Christopher. They argue all the time. I guess it might be because of their age difference. Hannah’s seventeen. Chris is 25. Eight years. Wouldn’t that be weird if you were eight years older than me?” said Andy.

“Yes, it would be.” You replied

“You have to promise me one thing.” He said turning to look you in the eye.

“And if I choose not to accept?”

“Then...I’ll tell dad. Okay well not really, but just do it.”

You laughed. “Just tell me.”

“If you somehow manage to end up aboard The Black Pearl, I’m going with you.” He said.

“What are you talking about?” you said skeptically.

“Don’t even pretend that you don’t know. Every time you like someone, you end up dating them or something. Trust me. You’ll end up on that ship. You’ll end up spending your days on the seas and Jack Sparrow will be the only one on your mind and you’ll completely forget about your WONDERFUL twin brother. You’ll probably forget my name! And I’ll be all alone with mum and dad crying.” He exaggerated.

“Andy, you’re so dramatic.” You said with a giggle. “I’m not going to forget you and I’m always going to know your name. Besides, if it does happen, I’ll invite you to come if I can. It’s not going to happen anyway.”

“Oh you wait.” He said. “Just wait.”