When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide: Chapter Seven

As you entered the room, Jack sat up slowly. He looked you up and down skeptically. “Who’re you?” Jack asked, with slurred speech.

“My name is Isabella Wright. Please, just lie down, we’ll explain.”

Jack reluctantly lied back down. “Well?” he said angrily and impatiently.

“Please, jack, just calm down. What do you remember last?” you asked

“I remember my shoulder hurting like bloody hell...what was it?”

“It was a gunshot. From that Nicholas man.” Said John.

“WHERE IS HE? LET ME AT HIM!” Jack cried furiously.

“Cap’n. He ain’t nowhere to be found. Ran out like a sorry dog when ye fainted.”

“I did no such thing. Real men don’t “faint” They simply lose consciousness, that’s all.” He said, trying to convince himself that he was as manly as he was saying.

All the sudden there were footsteps running above deck. Jack tried to sit up, but you gently pushed his shoulders back to the bed. He gave you a rude look. You simply smiled back at him. The door burst open.

“Jack! Are you okay?” Will asked hurriedly with the whole crew behind him, some in jack’s room, and some looking through the door.

“I’m bloody fine!”

“Jack?” Cassandra asked shyly. Jack didn’t answer. “Jack, baby, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came into me, but I realize what a fool Nicholas is. I love you so much, why don’t we have a nice talk, just the two of us?” she said seductively

Jack didn’t fall for it. “No,” he said loudly with a sly expression on his face. “Why don’t we have a nice talk, just the...oh, twenty of us-give or take a few. Why don’t we have a nice talk about how I gave up so much for you.” He said getting louder. “Why don’t we have a nice talk about how I took you in with open arms and gave you everything I could. Why don’t we have a nice talk about how you took it all and threw it away for bloody Nicholas.” By now, Jack was at the verge of shouting. “WHY DON’T WE HAVE A NICE TALK ABOUT HOW YOU BROKE MY FUCKING HEART.”

“Jack, you know I don’t like it when you curse. Now please, if you would just-”

“No. I want you off my ship. You can go fuck Nicholas’s life up too. Fuck it if I care. Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK.” He cried, with an amused smile on his face. (me: I really don’t use profanity THAT much. I don’t know. it just seemed Jack-ish. I don’t want a bunch of messages saying you’re offended.)

“BURN IN HELL” Cassandra shouted, leaving the room.

“Been there, luv.” Jack said, smiling. “Done that.”

You heard her footsteps pounding around on the deck above as she stormed back into Tortuga.

“Well, now that that’s done with...” Will said uneasily.

“All of you, out!” Jack said to the crew. You and John headed out of the door. “Except you two” he said to you and John. You turned around and sat at the foot of Jack’s bed, while John stood near the door.

“Jack, we know you don’t trust us but you’ve got to listen to us.”

“All I wanna know is who ye are, luv.” He said, uninterested. He took a ring off his finger and began tossing it in the air carelessly.

“Well, again, my name is Isabella Wright. I’m sort of a friend of Will’s.”

“So you came because you’re friends with Will?” Jack said, suspiciously.

“Well, no.”

“Then why are you here?”

“It’s a long story really” you said trying to get out of telling it.

“I have plenty of time.”

“Well, my brother is here too, and his girlfri-”

“Then go get em” Jack said.

“I’ll take care of it.” Said John.

You told Jack you were from Port Royal. You told him who your mother was. You told him who Thomas was. You told him who Andy was. You told him about Karissa, and how you despised her so. You were just about to tell him about Gibbs, when Andrew and Karissa came in, looking scared to death with John behind them. John left once more and you introduced Jack to Andy and Karissa.

“Andy,” you said, “I was just about to tell Captain Sparrow about our...uh, dad.”

“Well I’ll tell him.” He said. “It’s Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs is our real father. Of course no one ever told us until three weeks ago. That’s why we’re here actually. Well, why I’m here.”

“Okay...well why’s she here?” Jack asked, motioning towards Karissa.

“His idea.” You and Karissa said, simultaneously, pointing to Andy.

“Uh, okay,” Jack said, searching for the right words. “well, welcome to the Black Pearl. I must say though, if you three are planning on being pirates, I’d suggest you get something new to wear. Believe me, its not easy to work in those tight little vests and things.“ he said to Andy. “And I doubt its easy in a dress.”

About twenty minutes later, you were in Tortuga with Andy, Karissa, and Elizabeth. “We’ll be leaving Tortuga tomorrow. You each get a bunk, there are plenty for each of you.” Elizabeth said, while you were desperately searching for something you thought would be pirate-appropriate.

The three of you found something eventually, though Karissa wasn’t happy.

“I don’t understand why being a pirate means you have to wear these horrid clothes.” Karissa said, moodily.

Andy put his arm around her and comforted her as you and Elizabeth exchanged looks. It was strange how much more you liked Elizabeth than you suspected you would. You figured she would be just like the typical rich girl. Really though, you were just about as wealthy as she was. Thomas after all was towards the top of the EITC.

“So,” Elizabeth said to you, as you were headed back to the pearl. “You haven’t spoken to Mr. Gibbs yet?”

“No, and honestly, I’m kind of afraid to. I really have no idea what to say. I mean, I’m not just going to walk up to him and be like, ‘Hey, Dad!’ you know? Maybe Andy will do it before I get the chance to.”

“Well you know, Andy told Jack about everything so I kind of think it’s your turn.”

“But it’ll be so awkward...”

“You can’t avoid it forever.”

A little while later, you arrived at the Pearl. You climbed aboard and saw Gibbs at the helm. Elizabeth nudged you towards him. You gulped and stepped forward.

You really had no idea how to go about telling him. So you simply tapped him on the shoulder and introduced yourself.

“Erm, hello. My name is Isabella Wright.”

“Good to meet you! Jack told me about you. Thinks you’re a fine young lass. Says you and John treated him real good and fixed him all up.”

“Uh, yes...well Andy-my twin brother-and I kind of came here to see you.” Just as you said this, Andy and Karissa boarded the ship. “That’s him over there,” you said “and his girlfriend, Karissa.”

“Okay...” Gibbs said nervously.

Andy looked around and you caught his eye. He walked over as Karissa went below deck.

“Hi,” Andrew said, shaking Gibbs’s hand. “I guess Isabella already told you everything?”

“Well, I was getting to that part.” You said.

“Okay, I’m clearly missing something here.” Gibbs said.

“Well,” you began. “You know our mother.”

“Quite well actually...” Andy mumbled under his breath. “Mary Anne Wright?”

“Oh yes, a...well...good friend of mine.” He said.

“We know about...everything between you two.” He said.

“Oh...what do you mean?” he said nervously.

“It’s nothing to worry about.” You said.

Suddenly your fathers eyes got big, and his jaw fell open. “Y-y-you mean...you,” he said, pointing to you, “and you,” he said, turning towards Andy, “oh my God,” he whispered. “Oh my God!” he yelled, grabbing you and Andy up into a great hug and laughing.

When he released the two of you, you glanced towards Andy, who was in just as much shock as you were. You expected that Gibbs would deny it, or not believe it, or something along those lines.

“Wait,” he said. “You’re Isabella! And you’re Andrew! Right?”

You and Andy looked at each other and nodded slowly.

“Mary and I talked about what we would name our kids if we ever had children. That was, wow, at least 20 years ago. When we were, well, I guess you would say, ‘dating.’ Oh she was such a wonderful girl. And then she met that bloody Thomas man. But that’s all in the past, I just cant believe you’re here. Let me show you around!” he said, starting to walk below deck.

“Really,” Andy said, “It’s okay. I’ve been shown around about 5 times already. I think we’ve got it.”

Gibbs laughed and patted Andy on the back. He put his arm around you and said with a smile, “If you two need anything at all, let me know.” He walked towards the helm, whistling along the way.

It was nearing dark and you knew that you would be leaving tortuga early the next morning. Andy went across the deck to Karissa and put his arm around her. You still didn’t like her. But its better than watching them slobber all over themselves. You went below deck and knocked on Jack’s door. You heard a low grunt from inside, and you expected it meant come in.

You came in to find Jack staring intently at his bottle of rum. There was no label, but he was apparently very intrigued. “Can I help you?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the bottle.

“I was just checking in, you know, to see if you needed anything, make sure you were okay.”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He said, finally looking away from the bottle and towards you.

“And I wanted to say that I really appreciate you letting Andy, Karissa, and I come on the Pearl. It really means a lot. And if you need anything, anything at all, just let me know.” you said, turning to leave the room.

“Well,” he said, setting the bottle on the bedside table, “Come to think of it, my shoulder does kinda hurt...”

“Oh well I’ll go get John right now,” you said, turning to leave for the second time.

“Actually I think he’s tending to Ragetti’s eye,”

“Well,” you said, hesitantly. “I suppose I could do what I can. I’ll be right back.”

You stepped into the storage room. The rum was easy to find. Surprise, surprise. You searched for a clean rag and finally found one. John had put several bandages in the room. You took one of them and rushed back into Jack’s room. Jack had his shirt unbuttoned when you came in. He was looking at the bandage on his shoulder. He would touch it lightly and wince in pain.

You closed the door and carried the rum and rag to the side of Jack’s bed. You removed the bandage. Jack winced and grabbed your free hand. He quickly pulled away. You continued by putting some rum on the rag and pressing it to the wound. Jack shuddered.

“I know it hurts” you said, “but it will help.”

You kept the rag there for a minute or two. You removed it and put the bandage on the wound.

“Thanks.” Jack said. He grabbed hold of your hand again and kissed it. You started to pull away, but you looked into Jack’s eyes and completely relaxed. “Have a seat. I think we should talk. You work for me now, luv.”

You sat down next to Jack on his bed as if in a trance. He put his arm around your waist. Jack asked you a lot of the same things he had before when you first met. As you talked, Jack slowly moved closer and closer to you. It was getting very late, and the light coming in from the small window on the wall faded as the night went on.

Soon enough, Jack’s face was millimeters away from yours. When he spoke, you could feel his beard brushing against your chin. You felt like someone was pushing the air out of your lungs. It was so unbelievable.

But you couldn’t fall for him yet. Fall for him after one day? I think not.

Jack pushed the hair from your face and looked into your eyes. “Jack...” You said, searching for the words to say. “I...I have to go.” You stood up and opened the door of his room. You looked back at Jack, who hadn’t moved. “Goodnight.” You said, closing the door.

The door latched shut and you turned around to see Andy looking down at you, with a raging fire in his green eyes. “What were you doing in there?” He said in a hushed, but angry tone. You started to answer, but he cut you off. “What are you trying to do? You know Jack’s reputation with women. My sister is not going to be one of his...playthings.”

“I thought I told you to stay out of things like this. And I don’t appreciate you talking about him like that.” You said angrily. “What were you doing listening anyway?”

“It’s no concern of yours.” He said. “Go to bed. Now.”

“Gladly.” You said pushing past him and opening the door to the living quarters. “And if it makes you feel any better, I turned HIM down.”

Andy started to say something, but you cut him off, slamming the door in his face.