When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide: Chapter Eight

As you stormed across the room, you heard some of the crew grumbling and cursing, disturbed by the slamming of the door in the quiet night, and the stomping of your shoes against the cold wooden floor.

You reached your bunk and climbed in the small hammock. You twisted and turned beneath the light blanket, trying desperately to stumble onto some comfort. The night went on, and you slowly faded into a rough night’s sleep. Every now and then you would wake up to hear someone making their way out to the deck for fresh air.

Morning came, and you woke up to rays of sunlight streaming through the cracks in the side of the ship. Some of the crew was still asleep, but a few were missing from their bunks, apparently awake. You rubbed your eyes and silently walked towards the door. You noticed that Karissa was awake and out of her bunk, while Andy, Will, and Elizabeth were sleeping soundlessly.

You walked up on deck and felt the breeze kiss your face. It was warm outside as the May sun shone down brightly. You walked up to the helm and looked onto the sea. It was a beautiful day, and you wondered where the ship was headed. You turned around to head down to Jack’s room, to see if he was awake, and make sure he was okay. You breathed in one last breath of the early morning air and descended down below deck.

You stopped into the kitchen area and filled a clean glass with cool water to bring to Jack. You took it out of the kitchen and into the hall, walking towards his room.

You stopped at the door and hesitated before rapping three times on the wooden door. You thought you heard a sleepy groan from inside, so you opened the door and peeked in the room.

“Jack?” you said softly into the dimly lit room.

All the sudden there was a tap on your back that nearly made you jump out of your skin.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Andy said apologetically. “A-and I’m sorry about last night.”

You looked at him skeptically and turned back into Jack’s room. “Jack?” you said again. Andy looked over your shoulder into the room.

Yours and Andy’s jaws dropped simultaneously.

The cup of water that had been clenched in your hand suddenly crashed to the floor, splashing water everywhere, and sending shards of glass in every direction.

The huge clatter awoke Jack...and Karissa, who was sleeping in Jack’s arms.

Karissa was at a loss for words, for the first time you could remember. She looked from Jack to you, then to Andy. She searched for words and stuttered along, trying to say something, but nothing came out.

Andy didn’t say anything, he simply turned and walked out and up above deck.

There was an awkward silence for a while, and finally Karissa stood and followed Andy.

Jack caught your eye, then quickly looked away. You stood, looking at Jack, hoping he would say something. Anything. You turned to go above deck and talk to Andy. Right before you left the room, Jack called you back.


You turned to look at Jack, who looked like he would rather be anywhere else. You searched his eyes, yet still found nothing to say. You shook your head from side to side and walked out of the room, heading above deck. You heard Jack stumble out of his bed. He ran in front of you, trying to stop you from going above.

“Why, darling, would you want to go up there, when its so...” he looked around the area under deck. “...delightful down here?”

You looked coldly at Jack, ignoring his attempt at humor. “Do not” you began, as Jack moved to stand behind you. “Expect me,” Jack put his arms around you, and you felt his breath on your neck. “To forgive you” You faced Jack and gave him the same cold stare. “So quickly.” You took Jack’s arms from your body, and placed them by his side.

Once more you began to head above deck. Once more, Jack ran to catch up with you, and stood in front of you, blocking your way.

“Isabella. I’m begging you.”

“For what? Forgiveness? Do you even realize the situation I’m in? I come here and meet a man who...I may actually be attracted to, and he goes and ruins it all! Do you really expect me to trust you after you deliberately had an affair with my own brother’s girlfriend? And it’s not like you didn’t know. I don’t know what kind of person you think I am. Men, especially those as immature and childish as you, will never come before my family.”

By now, Will had woken up. You saw him standing behind Jack, looking onto the situation, trying to find out what had happened. He caught your eye, but you immediately looked back towards Jack. You knew he could feel your eyes like daggers, because he refused to look at you.

You once again began to brush past Jack, trying once more to get above deck. He grabbed your wrist and lightly tugged it back towards him. You turned back to look at him, and for the first time since you had met Jack, you saw deep sincerity in his eyes. “Isabella...” he said in a whisper. “Please, just wait.”

Sick of arguing with Jack, you gave in, and walked back towards the sleeping quarters. Stressed, you pushed past Will and walked into the room quietly. You kept the door cracked, so you could hear what Will said, you knew he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

“Jack--” he began, but he was cut off by Jack

“Captain.” He said through gritted teeth.

“What did you do?” Will asked naively. Sometimes you felt bad for Will, and how he always seemed to miss out on everything, and come in at the wrong moments.

Jack directed a noise of disgust towards Will, stormed into the captain’s quarters, and slammed the door behind him, leaving Will alone in the hallway.