When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide: Chapter Ten

Three days passed. Nothing felt right. Andy was angry at everyone. He wouldn’t talk to anyone but Elizabeth, who when asked, would not say anything. Karissa stayed away from everyone, but every now and then, she would be seen sneaking into Jack’s room, only to apparently be turned away. Jack wouldn’t come out of the captain’s quarters. Gibbs had to visit Jack in his room for orders. Gibbs refused to say it, but the ship was going in circles. There was no course whatsoever. Will was confused. Will stayed confused. No one made eye contact. No one spoke. No one seemed to breathe. Even the crew stopped whistling, and John stopped singing his gospel music in the mornings, though you heard him mumbling the words under his breath as he worked.

Andy devoted the fourth day completely to himself. He was normally one of the hardest workers on the ship, but he stayed either in his bunk or on the crows nest the whole day.

As you walked upon deck late that evening, you saw the first conversation in days. Between Andy and Gibbs. There was whispering, and as soon as Gibbs saw you, he straightened up and gave Andy a look that told him to stop talking. Andy walked quickly past you and went below deck.

You walked towards Gibbs, who wouldn’t look at you. “What was that?”

“Oh...nothing.” He said.

“Nothing, eh?”

“Oh you know, just...man to man stuff, father-son type stuff. That’s all.”

“I see.” You said, as your suspicion rose. “So, any new plans from Jack?”

“Not really.” He said sharply and shortly.

“So...are we going anywhere in particular?”

“Oh, oh yes.”

You waited for him to specify where exactly the ship was headed, but he said nothing. “Well...where?”

“Oh I cant tell you that. Err...captain’s orders.” He turned and walked away, never once looking you in the eye.

You turned back around and went below deck. You saw Andy talking to Will, Pintel, Ragetti, and a few other crew members in a hushed tone. Again, they all stopped talking as soon as they say you. You gave them a confused smile and knocked on Jack’s door. You waited in the hall as the crew stared at you. You waited and waited for a response, and finally barged into Jack’s room, sick of being the center of attention for a reason unknown to you.

You found Jack asleep in his bed.

“Map,” said the voice in your head. Ah. Yes. It’s a pirate ship. Pirates steal. Pirates steal treasure. Treasure is hidden. Hidden things need to be found. How do you find things? With a map. A treasure map.

You started rummaging. You opened boxes, looked through telescopes, unfolded blankets, searched through the drawers of the lackluster furniture, and even in Jack’s hat.

“Really luv, you’re not going to find anything like that. Without my noticing at least.” Jack said, making you jump.

“I wasn’t looking for anything.” You lied through your teeth.

“Just...searching my things, hm?”

You searched your mind for something to say, but couldn’t find anything, and clearly that read on your face.

“Well then. Listen sweetheart, you stay out of my belongings, I’ll stay out of yours, savvy?”

You gave Jack a look of disgust.

“Now...tell me luv, if you didn’t come to find anything, or to oh...randomly search my things, then I suppose you’ve decided to warm up to old Jackie?”

You gave a laugh. “Keep dreaming, captain.”

“Why is it...” Jack wondered out loud, “that she’s the only one that calls me captain?”

“Would you rather me not?” You asked

“Oh I-”

“Alright. I won’t.” You said, interrupting him.

“You realize I could have you off this ship in a skinny minute, no?” Jack asked, trying to raise his self esteem.

“And do you realize that that’s no way to woo a woman?”

“Ah luv. You are but a girl, a childish one at that.”

“But a girl, eh? Listen, old man. Just because I’m not willing to give myself up to you and whatever your desires may be does not make me childish, savvy?”

“Well then tell me, m’lady, what were you looking for?” he asked.

“Any kind of map I could find.” You said.

“Well, you’ll hardly ever see me with a map.”

“And why is that?”

“This, sweetheart.” He said, holding up a seemingly average compass.

“A compass?” you asked skeptically.

“Open it.” He said, tossing it to you.

You caught it with ease and opened the top. The needle inside spun around and around. Finally it looked as though it was settled, though it quivered ever so slightly. A puzzled look spread across your face.

“What is it you see, luv?” Jack asked with a grin

“It’s....it can’t be right.”

“Why, what do you mean?” He asked with a strange look, as though he looked like he knew exactly what was going on.

“It’s not pointing north.” You replied. “I’m no navigation expert, but that way is most certainly not north,” you said, pointing right above Jack’s head.

“Curious...” Jack said with a smirk. “Isn’t it?”

You shut the compass quickly and tossed it back to Jack. He opened it, looked up at you, back at the compass, back at you, and finally shut the compass, a smile on his face the entire time.
♠ ♠ ♠
So i know chapter nine is nonexistent. But the reason for that is because I originally posted these stories on Quizilla, and I'm moving them to this website. On Quizilla, chapter nine pretty much just said that the next chapter would have a password, and that my readers needed to add me as a friend to get said password. So i just didn't include that chapter on here, because apparently it's against the rules. Anyway, thanks for reading!