This Is Love, This Is ***ous

chapter 16

Since Brandan left again, Erin is once again miserable and pouting. I think she’s spent most of her nights at my house watching anything Disney with Audrey. As the days went by, James and I have been on a few dates. We were currently driving back from one. Tomorrow Erin and I are having a girl’s day out since Brandan’s coming home the day after.

“So what are you and Erin going to do tomorrow?”

“Um, not sure yet. I think we’ll do anything that comes to mind.”

“That sounds dangerous,” James said with a smirk.

“As I quote the Lion King, ‘I laugh in the face of danger hahaha.”

He chuckles, “You’ve been watching too many Disney movies babe.”

“I can’t help it that Erin wanted to watch them and Audrey didn’t object at all.”

He chuckles and grabs my hand and kisses it.

“What time do you want me to come over?”

“Um, come over around 11:30 please.”

“In the morning?”

I put on the innocent smile.

“Fine only for you.”


We pulled up in my driveway.

“Alrighte, I will see you tomorrow at 11 AM,” I said with a smirk.

James groaned and said, “Yes tomorrow at that horrible time.”

I gave a good night kiss, got out of the car, and went into the house and went to bed. Today was girl’s day out. Erin and I started the day off at a spa and got much needed massages. Then it led to shopping. She bought some certain clothes for when her and Brandan are in Europe (wink wink). We bought regular clothes and other stuff as well. We were currently sitting in our favorite cupcake store, Crumbs. We were talking and having a good time.

“Hey Erin.”

“Yeah My?”

“I got an idea.”

“Oh boy what is it.”

“Let’s get matching tattoos.”

“Yes! Of what?”

“We get cupcakes and it should say in the frosting it should say BFFF.”


We did end up getting the tattoos on our feet (Erin’s on her left and mine on my right). Erin’s was purple frosting with BFFF in green. I got lime green frosting with BFFF in purple. The rest of the day was more laughing and having a good time. Erin was spending one more night with Audrey and I.

“Excited to see your Brandor and go to Europe with him,” I asked Erin as her and I gave her pillows.

“Yes but I will miss you muchos and Bella and Audrey.”

“Don’t worry I’ll take care of your precious Bella and everyone else. Plus I have James as well.”


We said our goodnights.