And Then We Will Destroy Our Bodies

Three and poetry

The auditorium that doubled as the theater was dark; a single light was lit on the stage that was empty besides a tall barstool and microphone stand. The first rows of the middle section were filled with Mr. Peter’s English II class; Mrs. Kent’s class filled the section to the right of the stage, he saw her standing by the steps talking to someone in dark clothes, which was easy to decipher because Mrs. Kent always wore light colored clothes with varying peach colored sweaters.

He didn’t notice it was Gerard Mrs. Kent was talking to till he was almost right behind her; Gerard’s attention followed Frank as he approached and noticing this, his teacher turned

“Frank! I’m glad you could finally make it.”

Frank nodded; almost as stunned as he was yesterday at this Gerard, once again in all black, this time nothing written on his neck.

“This is Gerard Way, he’ll be speaking for us today, will you find a seat please?”

As Frank turned to go he heard his teacher say “That’s Frank, he has issues with poetry…” and Gerard go “Ahh” as if that explained everything…

Heated, Frank stalked to an empty seat up 5 rows, in his head he tried out different things to say to Gerard response.

No, I’m Frank and I have issues with YOU
I’m Frank, Your worst nightmare
I’m Frank, Go fuck yourself!
I’m Frank, you’re gorgeous…

Oh course Gerard already knew who he was, he was Frank, poetry hater.
Gerard was on the stage now, microphone in hand, his black button down shirt rolled up to his elbows, he looked like he was training to be a priest. A very young, very good looking priest. Wait, priests don’t have sex do they?

“Hi everyone, I’d like to thank you for being here today…I’m Gerard Way.”

Frank noticed he talked kind of sideways with a sort of drawl to his words.

“I’m a student at Greens University, I’m a writer and a theater major among other things, I was asked to come here today to talk to you about poetry and to read some of my work aloud to you.”

Frank rested his chin in his hands, god why isn’t our tax dollars paying for something other then folding chairs in our school auditoriums?! He thought to himself as Gerard took a seat on the barstool and started to recite, his small frayed notebook unopened in his hand.

There’s a room somewhere,
The walls dirty and worn and cracked with age…
Books fill the entire space.
All these books with dusty spines, the pages filled with images from our minds
Birthday parties, your first bike ride, molested by your father at the tender age of 9,

His voice seeped through and filled the whole room, he didn’t recite, but actually spoke the words, like he was there just to talk to you, like he was carrying on a normal conversation.

These images and memories, even if they’re just ours, define us and make us who we are.
I say let’s forget.
Forget our lives…
And please especially forget all the shit that makes this one mine.

As he finished there was absolute silence, then applause from the two classes and their teachers. For Frank the silence still carried, in him and through him there was nothing…not a sound.

Gerard spoke a little longer, about rhyming in poetry, lengthy prose, and reading your work out loud, but Frank didn’t hear any of it. He felt the brush of hands on his hair like yesterday as Gerard tucked his own away from his face, pacing and looking right at people when he talked. Once or twice Frank even saw Gerard almost put his hand on his hip but catch himself and bring it up to smooth his hair instead.

Frank was mesmerized.

Before he knew it everyone was out of their seats with their bags and books, leaving the auditorium, Gerard was stuck at the font, surrounded by the very few who actually wrote poetry. That being two, both girls…Yeah, Frank saw them admiring his hair, wondering how he gets it so soft looking I bet Frank thought to himself as he bent down to retrieve his bag from the floor. There was a sick sort of jump in his stomach as he turned around to find Gerard right there in front of him, and friendly smile on his face.

“Hey, sorry you had to endue all that…” Gerard started

“It wasn’t bad,” Frank shrugged

“Oh, you liked it? I know you hate poetry so…”

“I never said I liked it, I said it wasn’t bad, and you don’t know me at all.”

Frank didn’t know where all these snotty words were coming from or why he was saying all of this, he kind of liked Gerard, he was fucking hott anyways, and here he was being a bitch for no reason…wait he did have a reason for being a bitch today, yes dammit he- wait, what was Gerard saying?

“-thinking if you didn’t mind it so much there’s this cafĂ©’ reading downtown Thursday night near GU, the college-“

“I know what GU is” Frank stated

“Okay, well if you wanted to go there’s a lot of cool stuff going on there.”

Frank didn’t say anything, then neither did Gerard; they just stood looking at eachother a moment, evaluating.

“Sure,” Frank said finally “It doesn’t sound too lame”

“It’s not” Gerard assured, “So…uhm”

“I’ll meet you there,” Frank finished, “I know where it is.” Gerard may be totally gorgeous but that doesn’t mean he’s not some psycho stalker; there was no way Frank was telling him where he lived. Especially if he was going to be the one protecting the house from now on…that reminder made his stomach lurch a little.

“Okay, great” Gerard was saying as Frank brushed past him.

“See ya,” he threw over his shoulder as he headed quickly to the bathrooms leaving Gerard behind in the dark auditorium.

Some tears just weren’t meant to be suppressed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think this chapter feels a little short...
The deal is I have this cat, I love her to death, but she chewed through the cord that charges the laptop and the laptop won't run without it. My dad ordered a new chord but it'll be a few days before it comes in the mail and till then I have nothing to typ on, and no way to update =(

Bare with me and more will be up soon! =]
Thank you for the subscribes! xoxox