This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race

This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race

This Ain’t A Scene…It’s An Arms Race

Newspaper Clipping
“Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the best music newcomer is…” The toothy presenter paused for a moment. “…Paramount Cold!”

Paramount Cold Are Getting Hotter

Lead singer of the 6 month old, phenomenally successful band Paramount Cold, Cady Silver accepted the MTV Award with her fellow band-mates; Courtney Gold, back-up vocalist and owner of the famed pink flower-guitar and party animal, Jacqueline “Jack” Gomez, bass and co-lyricist and legendary drummer Gerry Yung.
We asked our fashion correspondent Karen Vlewin what her views were on the hottest new band on the charts.
“They are exceptionally stylish.” She says. “Cady; Capri jeans, classic beige low-top Converse sneakers, a beige off shoulder with white paint splatters and a simple black waistcoat with her curly red hair cascading around her shoulders- simple yet attractive. Courtney was in a denim mini-skirt, shocking pink halter top with matching heels; a Barbie look, especially with her bleached-blonde hair, but she somehow managed to pull it off. Jack looked great though; a plain white sleeveless top, a white silk tie, boy-style jeans and white pumps; the entire outfit complimented her and her chestnut hair looked fantastic. And finally Gerry; white shirt, blue jeans and black loafers, with that sexy new haircut of his, which with the floppy ends, really compliments his jaw-line. He looked fantastic! You can tell PC has over-taken Hannah Montana; just like their music, they have their own unique style.”
We caught up with the band to see what they thought about the glamorous inside circle of the Hollywood music scene.
“It’s not really glamorous.” Cady laughs. “As the great band Fall Out Boy once sang; this ain’t a scene, its an arms race. And we don’t want to get too big for our boots before we reach the top!”
“Your one standing obstacle between you and the Throne of Music is the Jonas Brothers. Do you think there’s enough space for the both of you at the top?”
“Definitely!” Courtney gushes.
“They’re amazingly talented.” Jack agrees.
“There’s definitely enough room for the both of us.” Gerry adds.

Two days earlier

Cady’s heart was thumping. Paramount Cold had been nominated for best music newcomer alongside Strawberry Lumps, Catastrophic and Rap-sodie. Last year, iScream had won; and look where that got them. A tour with the Jonas Brothers, endless music deals, and their movie had been a hit. This could make Paramount Cold as big as it could ever be.
Jack watched Cady, her green eyes sparkling. Although Cady kept a cool exterior, Jack new better; Cady was her best friend and had known her for years. Cady was practically dying with the tension of it all. Jack squeezed Cady’s hand, and Cady squeezed back. It had been Jack and Cady who had glued together Paramount Cold; it had been their life-long dream to win an MTV Award before a year in the music business. This was a one and only chance; the next Awards would be after their deadline.
Courtney casually let her arm rest on Gerry’s arm, seeing Cady and Jack holding hands. Courtney couldn’t resist Gerry; she wanted him as badly as a dying man wanted medical attention. However, Gerry wasn’t interested; it was a known fact Gerry had feelings for Jack. In fact, between Gerry, Jack and Cady, Jack and Gerry had a relationship of sorts; friends with benefits. After all, it was just all fun. But Courtney had no idea; why create stupid jealousy over something that wasn’t even really there?
“Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the best music newcomer is…” The toothy presenter paused for a moment.
Cady and Jack tensed in their seats, as did Gerry. Courtney made little gasping noises, for the purpose of the camera. She was Cutie-Pie Courtney. She had expectations to live up to!
“…Paramount Cold!!”
Cady’s mouth stretched itself into a smile. It took all the willpower she had not to start screaming and jumping on seats, whooping “WE WON!” at the top of her voice.
The foursome got up, all of them staring bewilderedly at each other, but turning slightly pink with happiness. They had won! The MTV Awards for BEST MUSIC NEWCOMER! Paramount Cold! THEM!!
Cady went first, Jack behind her, Gerry behind Jack, and finally Courtney, whom preened at anything that had a heartbeat.
The shiny-toothed presenter who none of the teens could remember the name of, grinned more broadly and passed the shiny award to Cady, who held it high, making sure both Jack and Gerry could hold a good portion each too. Courtney was simply irritating. She kept twirling her hair at the rest of the celebrity guests.
“I’d just like to say thank you to all the fans out there, and everybody who supported us. Its great and we wouldn’t be here without you.” Gerry’s brown eyes dazzled the audience as he spoke his part. Courtney interjected before Jack could say her thing.
“You guys are all awesome for this! I feel so loved! You guys rock, and you just make me feel so happy. I get such a buzz from this…!” Cady smirked as Gerry poked her in the ribs, telling her to shut up. Courtney blushed babyishly and stepped away from the microphone.
“I’d like to thank my friends, family and fans who all supported me and the entire band. This has been my and Cady’s lifelong dream, and you all made it come true. Thanks guys, and my big love to Cady for always being there for me!” Jack smiled, and Cady hugged her best friend tightly.
Finally, Cady.
“Everything she said!” Cady grinned. “You guys rock…friends, family, etc…fans! We love you!! And everybody here is really talented, and the rest of the nominees…and Jack, of course! Thank you so much everybody! At the end of the day, we’re just regular guys living the dream…which you made come true! Thanks, guys!! Goodnight!”
Paramount Cold walked down the steps to backstage, where the Jonas Brothers were standing, being voted Best Band. They were sitting on the red sofa together, smiling and chatting, Nick in the middle holding the award. Cady tried to slip past, but Joe noticed.
“Oh, you won.” He smiled. “Congratulations.” His eyes wandered to Courtney who started to preen. Jack gave a small snort and Gerry smirked.
“You guys have really good music.” Kevin said, addressing Gerry. Before Cady could say “don’t do it!” they were talking immensely.
That left Nick.
He was wearing skinny jeans, simple pumps; a purple T-shirt with a white jacket on top with a cravat, his curly hair gelled. He looked good.
Very good, Cady thought bitterly.
“Thanks.” Cady said coldly. Nick remained calm. Cady noticed that the other five were staring at the two, silently. Jack was the only one who knew, but Cady could feel Gerry and Courtney’s questioning stares.
“We better go.” Jack smiled at the Brothers, realizing Cady needed to leave. Now.
Just as the four were about to walk off, Cady turned around, realizing she still held the award.
“See you on the charts, Jonas.”
“You can bet on it, Silver.”
Paramount Cold walked off, away from their rivalry, buzzing with excitement and soon engulfed by hordes of congratulating musicians.
But Cady couldn’t shake off the feeling Nick was still watching her.
Jack turned around, smiling at the Jonas Brothers.
Nick was staring at Cady, his arms draped on the sofa backing, with a thoughtful look on his face.
Jack muttered quietly into Cady’s ear. Cady nodded, and smiled slightly at her loyal best friend. She felt like a star in a movie scene.
It’s not a scene she corrected herself. It’s an arms race.
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First chapter! Tell me what you think!