The Life of a Dead Girl

chapter 2

Saturday, 8:50p.m.

“Rriinng. rriinng. rriinng.”

Ugh. I rolled off my bed to grab the phone off my night stand. I was reading Pride and Prejudice for school and drifted off in the middle. It squinted trying to adjust to the light and pale yellow walls.

“Hey Mari. What’s up?” I spoke into the phone trying to hide the grogginess in my voice. I didn’t need to ask who it was. Mari and I had plans to go to the mall tonight. She was bringing Adam and promised that she would “find me someone” at the mall.

“Um. Hi. Is this Lyna?” A males’s voice spoke quietly, almost in a whisper.

“Yes, who is this?” I asked, confused.

“It’s Martin. I was wondering if y-you wanted to... h-hang out tonight. I-if you don’t have other plans I-I mean.” he stuttered. I could imagine him blushing right now. Martin is abnormally friendly. If he played sports I could picture the girls being all over him. But Martin is tall and skinny and extremely uncoordinated. His freckles and braces make him cute though, in kid kind of way.

“I’d love to.” I assured him. The last thing he needed for his already low self- esteem was a rejection. “But I already have plans to go to the mall tonight. You can tag along if you want, Adam and Mari will be there.”

“Oh. All right.” he said in a defeated tone. He must of had a one-on-one date in mind.

“Great. I’ll meet you at the East Side Mall at nine. Everyone is gonna be by the pizza place. ”

“See you there.”

“Bye.” I said hung up the phone.

I was still wearing the clothes I slept in. I don’t have many clothes, my parents don’t believe in spending money on designer jeans or any other pointless wastes of money. I put on a black ruffled mini skirt and my favorite fitted tee-shirt: white with a black heart in the top left. I threw on a red headband that Mari got for me. She said the color goes well with my black hair. It also pushes my fringe out of my eyes, Mari hates my fringe.

I decided not to wear any make-up. My mom would already be giving me a hard time about what I was wearing. I slipped on a pair of black flip-flops and went downstairs to wait for Adam and Mari to come pick me up. Adam just passed his road test and his parents bought him a used, navy blue jeep.

“I’m going to East Side Mall for a while mom, Mari coming soon.” I yelled when I got down the stairs and into the living room.

“Okay! Be back by 10:30!” she shouted from the kitchen. I haven’t been going out lately, so my curfew was extended by one hour. That didn’t change anything though. I just don’t enjoy going out when it means pretending to be interested in gossip, putting on a fake smile, and forcing out weak laughs at jokes that aren’t funny. I walked into the kitchen over the beige rug of the living room where my mom was ready the newspaper at the counter. She eyed my outfit with a disapproving look and sighed.

“See you later mom.” I mused as I heard a car beeping outside the house. I walked outside and jumped into the back seat.

We arrived at 9:10 p.m. Knowing Martin, he got here at at exactly nine. I felt bad about making him wait. After I told Mari and Adam that Martin was coming, Mari started hysterical laughing. I guess he isn’t popular enough for her liking. Adam just kept quiet, focusing on the road. We walked over the the pizza place and I noticed Martin leaning on the wall, obviously trying to look inconspicuous.

“Lyna!” He exclaimed. He walked over and hugged me. I was a little shocked at first, but then I just gave him an awkward one arm hug. He was a bit too close for my comfort zone, hugging me a bit too tight. I pulled away and Adam muffled a laugh. Mari just stood there with wide eyes.

Crap. Martin must think this was a date.