Within the Trees


"Excuse me."

I must be asleep, although I don't remember being asleep or anything. All I remember is practicing walking and the rest is a blank. The voice is so sweet, like fresh tangerines ripe enough to be eaten from the tree. I recognize it, but I can't figure out who it belongs to. My eyes open and I'm staring into the worried face of Carly.

Her face is in pure shock and sympathy. "Are you alright? What happened?" she asked me. I then realize I am not where I remember being- I'm father down the hills. My head kills me, the pounding of a thousand drums seem to echo through my brain. It screams for mercy as I moan in pain, putting my hands to my head. My head is on Carly's lap, and I feel her tighten up. "I'm not going to leave you, I promise." She smiles, bearing pearly-white teeth. I can't help but smile as best I can back through the pain. Her hand goes into her back pocket and pulls out a silver cell phone, a Sidekick as I remember her calling it, and dials 911. Carly tells the person on the other line that she has found a boy whose head is sore from a fall he probably had. A fall? I must have gone unconscious and fallen down the hill! Click. She hangs up and grins back down at me.

"My name is Carly. What's yours?"


"I'm sorry?"

Shit. I never thought of a human name!

"Peter. But everyone calls me Wind." She nods, her face plainly saying it's a stupid nickname. Carly opens her mouth to speak,but closes it due to the fact sirens are blazing about. She gently lays my head on the floor and gets up to flag down the ambulance. I watch her run, like a graceful, elegant deer. I hear two men talking and Carly saying, "He's over here."

The pain starts growing. It feels as though a monster is attacking every inch on my skull, tapping at it to get inside. It's making me so dizzy, the sky is turning hues of colors like a kaleidescope. I need to throw up, the colors are swarming like bees. I can't make myself to turn over to finish the job, so I close my eyes but yet the colors whiz in my head. They begin to fade, and all goes back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so it isn't my greatest.

Biggest kudos to Angie for liking this story!
You deserve a cookie (or whatever other kind of food you want!) :D