Status: Hiatus


He's Back

Like everyday, he watched her coming out of her apartment, dressed to look like her best. And she did, she always did. He was standing on a neighboring building's roof, with his newest 'friend'. The one thing he did not like about his friends was that they never laughed at his jokes, not one. So of course, he had to deal with that somehow; he obviously had to kill them.

He picked up this poor fellow when he was trying to get his daily agenda figured out. He kept on telling himself that he needed some sort of assistant to get all of his thoughts into a sorted arrangement. At that thought, which he found rather ironic, he started to chuckle, that chuckle then became a deadly cackle and earned him a rather strange look from a short obtuse man peeking through the windows of his van. Soon enough, they ended up on top of a building, and that man was as good as dead.

However, today he was feeling rather generous.

"Come here, come here," he said rather harshly the second time he beckoned for the scared man to join him at his side.

The man tottered over to him, crying, praying for his family and finally stood next to him.

"Do you see her? Well, do ya!?" He snapped at the sobbing man and he shook his head.

He made a mental note to himself; he should probably point her out next time.

Quickly, he scratched that note, her beauty was inescapable. Even a blind man could see her beauty.

He pointed to the woman in beige looking trench coat that ended where her black boots began. Her chestnut hair was truly a beauty and her small frame was almost too hard to see at this distance. Just having that man look at her set him off like a mad time bomb. He couldn't let just the thought of her interfere with his thoughts. That would be bad, very bad.

"Now listen, I'm going to let you go. But you have to do something for me, understand?" He pulled the poor man's collar and raised the man to face him, eye to eye. The man nodded eagerly and he smiled. "I want you to go back to the street where I can see you," he looked back to the pacing woman he adored and with a quick lick of his lips turned his attention back to his main priority, "I want you to scream to the skies that I'm back and I'm mad as ever!" He started laughing maniacally and let go of the man as he turned back to face his angel who was now nowhere to be seen.

"Go, go," he commanded to the round man gruffly as the man ran to the exiting door.

He could here the stairs beneath the roof's floor shake like an earthquake and he smirked to himself. Was he really losing his touch? No, no he wasn't. Today was a good day, he could feel it. Good things were to happen today; he just needed someā€¦inspiration, inspiration to guide him on what he could actually do to wreak havoc on this doomed city. Today, that unknown inspiration would show itself, eventually.

"Well, there could be bombs. No, no. It's not a bomb day," he chuckled at what he said and looked down to see his friend running down the sidewalk, shouting and crying. He liked that, he liked that a lot.

"Hostages are old news; I need something new to attract Batsy, but what?" He walked around, kicking rocks that looked as if they did not belong and made sure they no longer inhabited this roof.

He looked over to her apartment and shook his head. "No, no, no. We cannot think about that. I need the Batman. I need him to come out and play. I don't need to focus my attention on her every single minute of the whole day. She's not that special."

"He won't come out and play if it's just the 'same old, same old'."

His smile stayed as a thin straight line as he spoke to himself once more. "He's seen it all, he's heard it all, so I just need to give him a double whammy," he smiled down at all of the unsuspecting people, how they had no idea that he was indeed back, and he was going to bring them all down with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is very short, I know.
Chapters will be longer, I promise.
I hope everyone likes it, well, those who read it.
Feedback is always positive.