Wal-Mart Surprise

The Plan

Hannah's P.O.V
We were all riding in Kevin's vehicle, surprisingly. I was in front with Kevin,and Joe,Derik,Nick and Lauren managed to fit in the back. "So where are we going?" I asked breaking the silence. "Well, I was thinking about a movie,the beach, or our place. But, we can do the movies or the beach and our place." Kevin said obviously the only one who knew. "Um, well, we don't have the right clothes for the beach." Derik said. "If you really want to go to the beach we can go by your house. Right, Kev?" Joe said. "Of course. Where do you live?" Kevin asked me and Derik,because Lauren is off in La La land with Nick. " I have never been to a beach! Derik please give Kevin directions to the...um...hotel." I said the last part quietly. "Awes-Wait, did you say hotel? Are you on vacation?" Kevin said sadly. "Well,yes and no. We originally came for my birthday, but Lauren and I convinced my parents that if I get an acting career going and she gets a singing and acting career going, then we get to move. Currently, it is a no go because nothing has shone up. The only songs we have are lyrics I wrote and Lauren is trying to make music to them. I am trying to get Derik to try what Lauren's doing because he can sing and he acts in the plays in school really well." I said blushing knowing they do all this. "Hannah, I am not going to sing professionally state honor choir is enough. Acting ,well, I don't think I am that good." Derik said annoyed. I looked at Kevin realizing he was in deep thought. "Dude, you can sing?! State Honer Choir!" Joe yelled in shock. "Ya. I guess, but I can't write songs." Derik said. "Where is your hotel?" Kevin asked Derik still concentrating. Derik then gave Kevin precise directions to the Holiday Express we were staying at.
Derik's P.O.V
After the mix up about our reason to be in California we got to our hotel. "Lauren, Hannah stay with the boys I need to get our stuff or else mom and dad might make you stay." I said knowing Kevin and Nick would be sad. Plus, they are a big reason why we are going to the beach. "Ya, good plan. Hey, bring extra clothes or pajamas." Kevin said he seems happier now. I think Hannah noticed. I walk into the hotel and up to our room. When I let myself in I noticed mom and dad weren't here. I spotted a note on the coffee table. My parents went to my mom's friends house to say hello. So, at the bottom of the note I explained what we were doing. I grabbed our stuff and left. I wonder why they want us to bring extras. Oh well I will know soon.
Kevin's P.O.V.
I sat here ,waiting on Derik, thinking, about Hannah. I really like her, but she is too young and if Derik found out he would go nuts. For now, I will act like a protective brother, but not so much that I take Derik's place. Maybe, I will listen to her problems and help. I will figure this out later. I better talk to Hannah she seems sad."What's the matter?" I ask. This is a good start noticing her emotions and questioning."Yes! You speak!" Hannah yelled in excitement. I look at her funny hoping for an explanation. "Oh, sorry. You just have been staring off for five minutes not answering anyone. I should be the one asking what's the matter." She frowned. Crap,should I explain everything? " Oh, just thinking about......you. And your family of course." Nice save. I almost exposed my secret. " About the possibility of you three leaving when summer is over. I know I just met you but, I really enjoy talking to you and playing with your brother. But, I haven't talked to Lauren, but it looks like Nick would be torn into pieces." I laughed at the last part. This made Hannah giggle. Derik just got into the car it's time to have some fun!
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Next chapter is the beach and maybe the Jonas house!