New School Equals New Life

I grew up in this small little town. Nothing bad happening or anything. One day, we here gunshots outside our house. The next day, we were watching the news and it said that there were almost 10 people reported injured near our home. It was also caused by this new forming gang of drunken teenagers.

My mom wanted to leave so badly, but I told her it was nothing to worry about.
You see, they now went to our school. They also brought a gun! My family was popular in that small town, and for some reason, they had heard of me. The youngest one of the group liked me, and threatened me to go out with him. His name was Mason. I eventually did go out with him. But, long story short, it turned out horribly.

My mom was so frightened to leave, that her, my dad, and I, went across the country. We ended up living in this small state called New Jersey.

I never moved before, so I didn’t know what to expect. But when I stepped through the doors of my new school, lets just say, it's too long of a story, and I will definitely explain all of it.

Hi, I'm Michelle Nighte and this is my story.


Michelle Nighte

Joe Jonas

Nick Jonas

Kevin Jonas
  1. Chapter one
    New House and friend
  2. Chapter two
    New school, and enemy
  3. Chapter three
    New guy in my life
  4. Chapter four
    New crushes
  5. Chapter five
    New problems
  6. Chapter one part 2
    Joe's Pov
  7. Chapter two part 2
    Joe's POV
  8. Chapter three part 2
    Joe's POV
  9. Chapter four part 2
    Joe's POV
  10. Chapter five part 2
    Joe's POV
  11. Chapter six
    New hesitations and feelings?
  12. Chapter seven
    New worries and uninvited vistors in my life...again...
  13. Chapter eight
    new sensations and kissing partners?
  14. chapter nine
    New surprises, when i think i already had enough to not be surprised.
  15. Chapter ten
    New memories i don't remember.
  16. Chapter six part 2
    Joe's POV
  17. Chapter seven Part 2
  18. Chapter eight part 2
  19. Chapter nine Part 2
    Joe's POV
  20. Chapter ten part 2
    Joe's POV
  21. Chapter eleven
    part 1 of story
  22. Chapter twelve
  23. Chapter thirteen
    New as a guest at their house, or so it feels.
  24. Chapter fourteen
    New realizations blooming - I really care for him
  25. Chapter fifteen
  26. Epilogue