Status: Done. Look out for a part two.

Lilith and Poison Dealers of Mischief

Dark Soldiers

Lilith paced the cave while reading "my brother's" paper. Occasionally she would gasped or say "no way" or something along the lines of that. She began to understand that we were only pawns in a huge huge game of chess between nations. When she was done she sat down and stared at me.

"WE...." She began, " we have been cloned. The real us fight the bad guys and the cloned us kill the good ones. That way...."

"We can play both sides of the fence." We said in unison.

"To bad they got sloppy and let us find out." I said while standing up.

"Maybe that is why they had us kill him. Maybe he wasn't a dirty bastard. Maybe he went so mad with accusations that he started saying things like 'You are to old for my taste' to scare people away so they, too wouldn't find out the truth."

"That good and evil are the same person who craves power."

"What do we do?" Lilith says.

"We train, we hunt those dark bastards, kill em, then we go after the head guy himself. I won't be hard."

She smiled. "Its time for those assholes to pay."
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