Only Yours

So in Love

I laid in your arms smiling to myself. How could I have someone so perfect? I heard you start to snore lightly and I giggled. I gently crawled out from under your arm. I turn to marvel at your naked body. Your body glistens when the moonlight hits it. I could vaguely make out your beautiful abs I knew so well. I could see your black hair flopped in front of your eyes. I could smell your sweet natural odor. I could see your soft pink lips form into a smile which means you were having a good dream. I admired you toned legs and your manhood that hung in between them.

"I love you." I gently whisper to your sleeping body.

Your thick lashes flutter up and your piecing green eyes focused on mine.

"I love you too. Come back to bed." You whined. “I am cold without you."

Your sun kissed skin flexed as you’re stretched. I muffled a giggle.

"What’s so funny?" You say in a playful angry tone.

"Honestly, nothing at all. It’s just sometimes I am so happy with you I just have to laugh." I blush as you smile that proud smile of yours.

Even after four years you still caused butterflies to flutter though my stomach. You still made me feel slightly dizzy and like squealing each time you touched me. I felt exactly like I did when I first laid eyes on you. When you walked up to me, in our first day of high school, with so much confidants that it seemed to seep through your pores and said 'My name is Angel.' In that deep baritone of yours sending shivers down my spine. You smiled and a perfect row of teeth showed as if you knew what I was talking about.

You grab my waist lightly pulling me back to the bed. I could feel the heat of your touch against my waist. I snuggled up with you and sighed happily, nothing could go wrong while I was with you.