Only Yours


For a moment time frozen, the screaming stopped, my rocking stop and the world stood still. In that brief moment I felt every inch of the pain I had hidden. Every death, every game, all of it, hit me dead in my chest. I felt like my heart had shattered. It was like the dream had triggered the realty of my situation, I had one person left in the whole world. One person. I felt so alone in that moment because in this time I didn't have him either. He couldn't hold me and make me feel secure, and give me a small sliver of sanity, while everything else cracked and crumbled around me.

I would never touch Chester's soft fur again, or hear his paws click on the floor as he walked towards me. My dad will never scoop me up in those embarrassing hugs after I spent the weekend at a friends house. My mother won't creep into my bedroom at midnight with ice cream and snuggle up close to talk about boys. No more family dinners, movie nights, vacations, meetings, game nights, photos, it was all over. I am an orphan. Alone. So very, very alone.