Only Yours

Trying to grasp Sanity

I laid still on the floor, not move an inch, hoping the day would not start if I did not move. I didn't want to play any games any more I just wanted to have Angel and be done with all this. I wanted to hop on a plane to somewhere different like Africa. A place where I recognized nothing and can start completely new with Angel. We could forget this entire situation by replacing these awful memories with new ones. Ones with our own children and house. We could do all the things I used to do with my parents and more. We'd both get trained in fighting, have security system the works to keep our babies from living our life. I let this pictures black out the old ones and smile, I just need Angel.

The moment snapped when I remembered to get those pictures I had to go through this sick game. To get my love, I had to play with blood. I got up to shower before I had to head out into god knows what else. I grabbed a bag of chips I had on the floor from last night, I forced them down with tap water before I took off my clothes to get into the warm water. I hoped it would relax my body and bring back the pictures that lead to momentary sanity.

With my head down the water ran down my hair and dripped on the bathtub's bottom. I watched this process to keep my mind off the dark things. The things I was about to do. The things I had done. Drip. Drip. Drip. It was not only a great distraction but proved to be a soothing one as well. It consumed all other thoughts and all that was left was the dripping. The slow and steady dripping.