Only Yours

The Girl Next Door

There was a gun on the floor when I walked back into the room. So he was here again, in the place should have been safe. The chest lay open on the side. My stomach clenched as I glimpsed the white paper. A simple note lay next it it.

"The lady next door has your clue."

It seemed safe to assume that I would have to kill here to get it. She was the one who screamed last night. He must have tortured her into playing his game. He probably told her to kill me first so she can live. I knew she would fight for her life. Sadness gripped me once again as I realized I would personal stop her. I needed to kill for Angel as he has done for me. We could both suffer together. I checked the bullet, it was loaded with six rounds. I knew I had to kill here in one.

I can't look her in the eye, then I could never live with myself. I could never survive the guilt of this. So I slowly got up and thought of her as a monster. A monster who had to be killed with no mercy. There was no longer a girl next door.