Only Yours

The Burial

I cried because I lost my family. I cried because you were lost to me. I cried because I was alone and scared. I had to bury my family somewhere, where they won't be found and I won't be blamed. I am doing this for you because I am not sure I can lose anymore.

I lifted the still warm and bloody body of my dad, he was the last one. He left a strain on my sheets, I would have to burn them. I pulled him down the stairs, my muscles screaming in in protest. I could feel the blood spill down my clothes. I wanted to puke but held back.

I had dug a huge trench in the neighbors yard. I threw my father in it. He landed with a thud. I cried and threw the soil back on as quickly as my body would allow me to go. The tears streamed harder making this task only more difficult.

When I entered the house my body ached, I was covered in muck , blood, tears,and sweat. Instead of showering I puked adding that to the stuff that covered me and my clothes. I ran upstairs when my body took a pause in puking. I grabbed my sheets and threw them in my fire place. Ash and soot covering my body.

I looked in the mirror, I was a mess. I looked tired and like I was crying for years. I looked sick and hurting. I wanted to curl up in all my filth and just sleep all this pain away. Then I thought of you, I have to stay strong for you. I have to save you. I pulled myself from the familiar stranger in the mirror and went to clean up in the bathroom, peeling off my clothes as I made my way down the short hall.

When I opened the bathroom door, the shower curtain was covered in a bloody note.

"Nice Job!" With a smiley face. I screamed. He was watching.
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