Only Yours


I watched my house burn down to the ground. I cried some tears but I was too exhausted to do anymore then that. The note said

Turn down the dark alley and enter into the first door.
There you will find what you need to know more.

So I walked to the alley where Angel and I had our first kiss. There it was the door. The door that leads to an old abandon basement where most teen guys take girls they want to bang.

There was nothing going on this early that much I knew. I walked down the steps. The smell is what hit me first. So this is where he got the fresh blood from.

On the ground of the dimly light basement laid a picture of my boyfriend tied up and looking strong. So this is where he plotted. Where it all started, this nightmare, this hell, this cruel sick game. I found the DVD and popped it into the player.

“My my aren't you obedient.” He laughed. “Such a sweet love sick girl.” I saw Angel in the background blood smeared on his body. “Oh don’t worry he isn't hurt but you didn't think he wasn't going to have to play too? Because he does." He laughs."All these people didn't kill themselves. “He laughed again as it was the funniest joke ever. “Well expect your family that was my handy work.” He seemed pleased with this. “Now dear time to play hide and seek. Lets see how long it takes for you to find me. I will leave a trail of bodies with clues to where I am, with your love, you find me you both go free.” He seemed serious enough.”Start looking.” The feed went black.

I looked around, great just great.
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