Only Yours

Corpse Search

I kicked the fifth body that was on top of a well hidden trunk. My boots getting covered in blood and guts. Old condoms laid everywhere, it seems he interrupted an orgy. I stopped for a moment and felt a sadness for Angel, he had to kill for me. I swallowed the lump in my throat. The trunk was black and covered in blood, the latched closed with a lock.

I sighed, "Great, now I have to find the key." I pick up the trunk, the blood getting under my nails. I grabbed the body from the couch and flipped him off without looking at his face. I had recognized his shirt, pants and hair enough to know who it was. In order to pretend that it could be anybody I refused to look at his face. I placed the trunk on the couch and stuck to the bottom was a piece of paper.

"The key is inside a body." It was Angel's handwriting my stomach twisted.

I looked at the piles of bodies. There had to be at least 20 people in here, a massacre of its own nature. Some naked, other half clothed, still others fully dressed, all with the same horror twisted onto their frozen faces. How would I know which one had the key in it?

I started to get a headache, a small part of me wanted to give up. My body hurt, the smell was making me sick and I was tried of all this bullshit. But, I was too far in, I had no where to go back to. No one to turn to. From the looks of it most of the people I even glimpsed were dead.

I spent the next couple of hours digging through organs and other disgusting stuff of twenty people. By the time I found the key my hands reeked of death. 'How does he think I am going to hide this?' As soon as I thought it the door to a bathroom swung open. My heart started to pound. It was to late I am so mega busted, but there was no one there just a clean bathroom, it smelled of lemons and bleach. In the bathroom was a fresh pair of clothes for me and matches to light this place up to.

I showered again as quickly as the first time. I washed off the chest and grabbed it and the DVD player. I slipped the key into my pocket and lite the basement in fire, Instead of walking out the front way, I walked out through the store front that no one knew about. I brought a snickers to make it seem like a normal every day customer came in the walked to the park two blocks away. I sat in the most deserted area and popped in the DVD while nibbling on the bar. I plugged in my headphones to make it all seem normal.

"Hey baby." It was Angel the man behind him had a mask on and a gun to Angel's head. "I am so glad you made it this far." He gave me a sweet sad smile. "I love you and when we are together away, I promise that we will move far away and get married." My heart jumped, such happy thoughts seemed forbidden right now. "Baby, he wants you to go to the movies and relax. The chest is filled with cash and a gun. Tomorrow afternoon the game will start again." The feed went blank. I replayed Angel's words over and over crying a little. I just wanted this all to end.
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