Only Yours


I sat stiff at the movies, knowing that if I didn't go, he would find me. Every noise made me jump. The actors said their lines and posed with ease, making their world seem so real. Oh how I wished it was real. I fidgeted in my seat every time the couple kissed. I reminded me of Angel and how his arms would feel around me. How his lips felt pressed against mine. I felt the phantom of his lips on mine.

My name seemed to be whispered through out the theater. My skin crawled, my head swung wildly to see where my name was coming from. I felt like I was being watched. My neck started to hurt from constant need to look around. I was trying to see if I recognized his eyes. Those cold eyes that haunt me. Those eyes that were the last that my parent saw before their lives were stolen from them.

When the movie ended I went into the bathroom , curled up, throwing up on the floor, forgetting all about the germs that crawled on the floor. The tiles were cold against my face as the tears made it moist. A man's voice rasped through the door, "Be good Venus." I cried harder. How much more could I take of this? This is as relaxed as I will get.