Only Yours

Sweet Dreams

I rocked back and forth, the motion some how put me to sleep. I drifted into a sweet dream despite my hellish realty.

I was sitting on soft grass, bare feet so I could feel the blades through my toes, I sighed, I was happy. You were walking towards me with ice cream in your hand, chocolate, my favorite. MY golden lab puppy chasing you and snapping at your ankles playfully.

"Chester, stop it." You say while laughing softly,and nudging him gently with your foot. This of course made him think you were gonna play so he barks at you and tugs at your laces. I laugh at the sight, the kind of laugh that makes your sides ache though I wasn't sure it was that funny. You sit next to me and pout, that playful pout of your when you are pretending to be sad. I take my ice cream, kiss your check and you perk up. I smile as you pull me closer.

"I love you." You whisper in my ear and I say it back. Chester, wagging his tail fiercely, happy to see me smiling.


I woke up with a start, my sweet flashback interpreted by piercing screams. I start to tremble I know he is near and as the last bits of joy from my dream fade away, I start to rock again.
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