Isolated in the World of the Perfect

Chapter 2

The pillow’s wet. Again. It’s 4am and he still isn’t in, I’m worried about him, I don’t know where he is, surely every bar, club and pub is going to be shut by now... I suppose he could have stopped at someone else’s, but wouldn’t he have called or at least sent me a text... Unless he didn’t want to wake me up. Not like I ever sleep until he comes into the house. I pretend to him that I’m asleep, but until his arms curl around me I can never drift off. I love it at night, when we go to bed, just lying there with his arms around me and everything seems right with the world. It doesn’t seem like I’m in a struggling relationship, it feels so natural, so easy and so... perfect.

‘Where are you?’ I can only hope his phone is on and I hope he’s awake. I don’t want to ring him in case he is asleep, but I miss him so much already. I love him to pieces and even with the mess we’re in, I don’t know what I’d do without him or if something happened to him. Wanting to know where my boyfriend is at 9am, when he hasn’t been in all night isn’t trying to check up on him all the time is it? It is perfectly reasonable... I hope...

“Why do you always have to know where I am? Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I do! I just worry about you.”
“You don’t have to. I’m not a child I can look after myself. I don’t need you to keep checking up on me!”
“Gav please... Don’t get mad at me. I’m sorry I just wondered.”
“Well stop yourself! I don’t feel the need to constantly know where you are.”
“Just stop, I thought you were going to change.”

I don’t want another one of those arguments; when I think about them know it seems so petty and so pointless. Though most of our arguments are over stupid little things, that wouldn’t bother most couples, that’s if they even bothered to argue about them. Please Gavin, be in a good mood. I love you more than ever when you are in a good mood.
‘At seans be home soon’

“Did you have a good night?”
“Yeah babe. Sorry I didn’t text you, I drank a bit too much.” Guilt flickered in Gavin’s eyes, something I didn’t see very often from my boyfriend. I suppose he just feels bad about worrying me, it’d be a first, but people do change.
“It’s alright.” I pecked him on the lips, before going and curling up on the sofa, my phone buzzing signalling a text just as I lay down.
‘Did gav get home alright last night?’ Matt. I didn’t think he forgot stuff that often, but I suppose he just left before the others.
‘He slept at seans back now’
About half a minute later and I got a reply, not that I expected one as it was pretty self explanatory.
‘Did he... alright then’ I was a bit surprised at that reply, it seemed sort of hesitational, if a text can be anything like that. I know I should have just believed Gavin but now I was getting suspicious, it wasn’t the sort of thing I wanted to be worrying about at night, so I decided to text Sean.

‘Where was gav last night?’
That minute that it took for Sean to reply felt like an age, my heart pounding against my chest and I felt myself close to tears, I just hope, that Matt and Alice had left before the others. Please, please please.
‘Dunno matts?’
♠ ♠ ♠
I will update more if people want...
I will try
