I Don't Think "Joker" Is a Very Nice Name, but He Sure Is Sexy


Long black hair. Tight blue denim miniskirt. Tight white tank top With a black jacket over it. Brown Flip Flops. Double 'D' breasts. Flawless caramel colored skin. Amazing Legs. White Teeth. Brown Eyes. 5 feet 11.

So, if I' m wearing this, walking on the busy streets of New York in the Middle of the night, I should be scared shitless, right? No. Not really. I'm kind of indifferent like that.

No one knows my name, but for some reason I'm known all around Gotham City. Wherever I seem to go, someone runs up to me for a job in modeling, or just to hit on me. I just look at them and walk away. Sure, people try to follow me, but I deny them again and end up killing them in the same night. I do that because I simply can. So, I'm walking down this alley in Gotham. Some guy staggers up to me, licking his lips. Slice to the neck with the dagger I have hidden in my back pocket. Take out his wallet, chop up his drivers license (can't have the police trying to find out who he is, right?) take the $30 and some credit cards, and put the wallet back in his back pocket. Keep walking towards my apartment. Another guy. Makes a wolf whistle, chop to the neck. Won't kill him. Just knocks him out. Take cash, keep walking.

Not very long until I get to my apartment. Kick of my shoes, I start stripping. Down to my bra and my skirt when I finally decide to turn the light on.

And then I see something that completely shocks me.

The Joker. I have seen him on TV alot in Gotham. When I first saw him on TV, and heard that voice I thought he was incredibly sexy. But right now I was kind of mad at the fact that he had broken into my house and was sitting on my very nice couch with his feet propped up on my coffee table!

"Wow, your already stripping for me! I don't have to buy you dinner or anything?" he says.

I give him a look and don't even bother to cover myself up.

"What the hell are you doing in my house, sir?" is my simple response.

"I see you around here often. Whats your name?"

"Feet off the table."


"Get your dirty shoes off of the coffee table, and you'll get your answer."

He took his feet off and smiled at me.

"My name is Alice." I said to him, keeping eye contact.

"I like what you do." he responded.


"You heard me. I like your body. I like your attitude. I like your methods. I like the way you do what you do."

"And that is?"

"Kill because you want to and you know you won't get caught."

I walked toward where and sat on the couch right next to him. I didn't even think twice to put my shirt back on. He already had a bulge in his pants that he probably thinks I haven't noticed.

"So you're still avoiding my question. Why are you here?"

He laughed that maniacal laugh that I had heard on TV. I slapped him.

"Too loud. I have a headache, and that wasn't even funny."

"Yes, it was." He said slapping me lightly.

"Whatever. Damn Clown."

He threw a huge duffle bag at me. It was heavy as hell.

"Come on," he said to me.

"Where are we going?"

"Your new home."

I looked in my bag and realized that all of my clothes, shoes, makeup, and the books that once stood on my nightstand were all in there.
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Please tell me anything you want about the story, Good or bad.

I need 2 comments for the next chapter. ♥