I Don't Think "Joker" Is a Very Nice Name, but He Sure Is Sexy


We jump back into the van and zoom off, oh look, someones pulling right into the parking lot as we leave. They'll have some bad customer service. Oh well. I look around the van.

"You guys listen to radio?" I said. No one answers. I decide to keep talking.

"Aww, come on. You guys are human. You have to like some kind of music. You know how dull like would be without it?"

No one still answers.

"You like it when people sing to you? I'll sing for you."

Brown hair clicks on the radio.

"This was never the way I planned, not my intentions..." I suddenly heard in a staticy way.

I got frustrated and jumped on the armrest to change the radio from the backseat. No clear channels at all. I turned the radio off. Shoved my iPod headphones.

Come With Me
Into The Tree's
we'll lay on the grass
And let the hours pass
Take My Hand
Come Back To The Land
Let's Get Away
Just for one day.

Didn't take half a second into the song to start singing. In the end I fell asleep.

I woke up when there was a sudden stop and my head hit on the drivers seat.

"Ugh! What the fuck?!" I say half yelling. I feel a hand on my cheek.

"Sorry about that," Joker whispers in my ear.

We're sitting in an alley. He tells me to get out of the car and I obey.

We enter a door that leads underground to a bunch of thugs wearing masks. They catch me standing behind Joker, Black Hair and Brown hair and all pull out their guns. They must think I'm an attacker, but I still whip my gun out in a force of habit.

"Put them down, shes with us." Brown hair says.

"Alright, faggots," Joker begins to start talking. "This is Alice, or thats what she claims her name is, we've been watching her. She's better than any of you. You know why? Shes a female. But not just any female. An attractive female. No one ever sees it coming from a girl like her. She can kick all of your asses without any weapons. Someone show her to an empty room."

He walks away and leaves me with the room filled with about 13 men.

"Are you all so ugly that you never take those masks off?" I say.

One man takes his masks up and walks up to me with scars all over his face. I guess he expected to gasp at his face from how fucked up it was. I didn't.

"You see this? I was in a tragic car accident, and now people don't look twice at me." he said

"Someone will still love you, bet on it." I said.

"Now where the hell is my new room?"

Brown hair shows me my room. Pretty plain, like a room for an insane person except its black all over the place and has a small window. I like it.

"Thanks um, whats your name?" I ask. I guess I should learn some of these guys names.


"Thanks Mark. Mind pointing me towards a shower?"

"Showers." he said


"You know, like in locker rooms, theres no curtians, showers"

Took me a few seconds to piece it together.

"Oh. OH! So, im going to have to wait until everyone goes asleep to shower, I guess."


"Alright, I'll do that." I say.

He leaves the room and I get settled in. After about an hour I sneak around to look for the shower. Its next to a kind of big brown metal door, so I'll remember that next time.

I stand under a shower and turn the knob. It started out freezing cold, but warmed up in no time. I start washing my body with the soap and cloth the men packed (but completely disregarded tampons! I'm not letting that go anytime soon.) and started to lather. Then I drop the soap. I figure I shouldn't be afraid to pick it up since this isn't a mens jail and no one is in there. So I crouch down to pick it up. I stand back up. And keep washing myself. As soon as I'm in what I call the "standing stage", (you know, the part where you just stand after your done washing yourself because the water feels so good?) and then I feel it.

I feel hands running up and down my body and lips on my neck. I freeze stiff, I feel like I can't move at all. I can't move a muscle, I can't say a word, I feel like I can't even breathe. I close my eyes as the person turns me around and gently pushes me against the wall. He presses his lips back against my neck and bites a little. I open my eyes and see green hair. I automatically know who it is. I let a moan escape my lips. Theres so much steam and water around us, how is he not getting soaked? His lips trail down from my neck to my breasts, where he kisses one of them. I moan again. His lips keep moving downwards and he starts kissing and licking my stomach.

I don't want to do this, so I push away him and the lust with one quick slap to the face.

"Don't ever do that again."

"You seemed to be enjoying it more than I was."

"I can tell by the visitor that came back in your pants."

"I want you so badly right now."

"Fuck you."

"I want to fuck you too, sunshine."

With a kick in the nuts, a twist of the knob on the shower, and a turn, I walk out of the showers with him laughing manically and yell "You need a cold shower!" On the way back to my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I enjoyed writing this one. :oops:

The song is Stripped by Shiny Toys Guns.