I Don't Think "Joker" Is a Very Nice Name, but He Sure Is Sexy


I woke up again, I guess a few hours later. I wobbled out of the door the way I normally do when I am half awake. I bumped into a wall.

"Shit!" I yelled out.

"Real smooth," I heard a voice say, I don't even know who.

"Fuck you."

"Why aren't you dressed?" The voice said back. I turned around to see Mark.


"Its 5 PM, the festival is at eight."

"Oh. Where is everyone?"

"Getting ready, like you should."

"I'll get dressed right now, then."

I walked back into my room and noticed a light switch. I turned it out and saw that my room had a mirror, a sink, and a nightstand. I rummaged through the bag Joker gave me. This was a damn short traditional Japanese dress, but I decided to wear it. I took a shower, and got to work. I pulled by hair back into a bun,then put on red lipstick and lots of mascara. I slipped on some fish net stockings, then put on my Yakuta. I finished off my outfit with some black high heels. I slipped a knife and a gun in each side on my stockings and walked out of my room. Bumped into the clown that I seem to see every hour.

"You look nicer then I thought you would."

"You only like this because it has more cleavage then you thought it would have." I tried pulling the top of the Yukata up so my breasts were covered more. Didn't work.

"Can we go now?"

"Why do you think I'm at your door?"

"Let's get this over with," I said as I followed him out of the door.

We drove in the van that I was dragged into last night, and rolled up to the main part of Gotham city. There were so many lights! They normally have this festival once a year, but the ambassador of Japan has never came. He must be announcing something. But instead, I supposed we would be making the announcement. The van pulled to a stop.

"Get out here," The Joker said.

"And go where?"

"Theres a building 15 blocks from here, its the tallest one. Go inside of it, head to the top floor, there will be a bag in there. Open the bad and put on the outfits and get all the weapons you can hide in your clothes."

"15 blocks? Thats fucking far. Then what do I do?"

"You'll see," he handed me a piece of paper with the address on it.

I opened up the van door and was ready to get out when something pulled me back, and turned me around to. I felt lips against mine. It was such a good kiss he gave me, I didn't want to pull away, but I did.

I started walking the incredibly long distance in high heels. There were so many people eating takoyaki and rice balls, Talking, taking pictures, and all kind of things. I decided to stop at a takoyaki stand, and got some water with it. Someone grabbed me.

"Hey, back off!" I yelled out.

"Relax, hun. Its me." I looked at a man incredibly sexy man with black hair and brown eyes. He stood at about 6 feet he was wearing a regular white shirt and jeans.

"Who are you?" I squinted, trying to figure out who it was.

I almost shat bricks when I realized who it was.

"You're so sexy," was all I could say.

"I wore makeup on my scars so no one would stare at me, or figure out who I was." he completely disregarded my compliment.

"Was there a change in plans?"

"No, I just wanted to see what a big deal this festival was about. The ambassador is in the building getting tied up right about now."

"Nice! How did you manage to do that?"

"People on the inside, now, get your ass to the building."

This time I decided that I would kiss him. His hands were on my waist as we kissed. They're so addicting, it feels like he has vemon is his kisses or something.

I pulled away from him and kept walking to the building. I opened the doors into the building and walked to the elevator. A big out of order sign was on the elevator. I had to walk up all of those steps. I decided to take my heels off and began walking.

I got to the top building and saw the bag. I pulled out the outfit. It was an olive green tank top. A purple denim skirt, and a matching purple denim jacket. It also had a black short haired wig, blue color contacts, high heels, and some extra makeup.

"Cute," I whispered to myself. I stripped right in the room and got into my new clothes. I applied all the eyeliner and eyeshadow that I possibly could, then put on some white makeup all over my body, so I looked like a completely different person. I had no clue what to do next when I saw a video camera on the floor, with a flashlight a note next to it that said:

"Open the camera, then read this aloud. Afterwards, run like hell out of the building, you only have five minutes."

I opened up the camera then all of the lights around Gotham went pitch black. My eyes winded. I used the flashlight to see the note, then held the camera to my face, I read it out loud.

"People of Gotham," I stopped when I heard an echo. This video was being broadcasted on all of the jumbo-trons in all of Gotham, I wondered where else this was broadcasting. I continued.

"There are 15 buildings filled with one person tied to a chair in each of those buildings. One of the buildings has the ambassador of Japan, the other 14 are young children picked randomly from the festival that were left unattended. You have 6 minutes to chose which building you would like to save, and which other people in the buildings you would like to be killed. To tell us which building you would like to save, there is a phone under the chair of where the ambassador was supposed to sit for his special announcement. If we do not get a response at all, we kill all of them.You had better think quick, Gotham."

This was such a confusing plan. Who was going to make the decision? Why are we going to do this?

I heard thousands of screams outsideI ran out of the building as directed. Now what? I was grabbed and carried to the van that seemed too familiar already.

"That was perfect."

"Why are we doing this?"

"Remember when I said its nice to see how fucked up people are?"


"You're going to see what I mean."

"What do you mean?"

"There aren't any children in any of the buildings. There is just the ambassador in one building. Listen to this walkie talkie."

He handed me a walkie talkie and I waited

"Hello?! Hello?!" a frantic voice responded

"Good evening," I responded.

"Number 7. Save building number 7!"

"Your willing to kill other children to save your lovely ambassador?"

"Yes! Please, building number seven!"

I looked at the joker.

"What the hell is wrong with these people?"

"They deserve to die, don't they?"

He had a valid point. I decided that we should obey there commands.

"You heard the man, keep building number seven,"


He made a phone call, and said to keep building number seven.

"So, was that the right building to save?"


I smiled and relaxed into the car until we got back to the lair.
♠ ♠ ♠
I couldn't come up with an evil plan, this was the best I could do.

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