Love Is Blind.



"Why don't you just go up to her." Pete told me


"I know you want to talk to her."

I looked at Pete and then at the young lady sitting down all alone at a table drinking coffee and looking into the distance.

"Just go for it."

Of course I was used to singing in front of thousands of people, but talking to one person is a big difference.

Take a breath and walk up to her.

"Should I just introduce myself?"

"Maybe she knows who you are and you wont need to."


Pete patted my back, and then pushed me a bit. I walked up to her and then cleared my throat.

"Excuse me."

"Yes?" She asked as she kept looking straight

"Uh. Mind if I join you?"

"No, go right ahead." She said keeping her head straight

I walked over to the seat in front of her and smiled, and then i noticed she was wearing sunglasses.

"It's a nice day isn't it."

"Yes it really is."

"My name is Patrick."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Analiese"

"You have a beautiful name."

"Thank you."

"What brings you here?"

"It's something I like to do every day, like a daily routine I guess."

"It's always nice to be able to do that."

"Do you have any?"

"I can't really do that."

"Oh. Why is that?"

"I'm always on the road."

"Are you in a band?"

This is better than I thought.

"Yeah I'm the lead singer."

"That must be really amazing."

"Yeah I love doing it."

"So what's the name of your band?"

"Um. Fall Out Boy"



"I've heard a few songs, I like them, or you. Uh you know what I mean." She spoke with a soft giggle


She giggled a bit more and then started to ask me about life touring, and being in a band, then I asked her about life being able to stay at one place more than a month..

"Um would you mind handing me the sugar?"

"Oh it's right there.' I said pointing

"Where?" She asked as she looked down the table

"Right there." I repeated

She smiled and then looked up. Then extended her hand out to me.

"Can you show me?"

What is she doing?

As soon as I took hold of her hand I felt her soft skin against mine, I slowly placed her hand on top of the sugar.

"Thanks." She said looking straight but not really at me

"Analiese?" I asked

"Yes Patrick?"

"Look at me?"

She hesitated for a bit then sighed and looked down.

"I didn't mean to offend you."

"You didn't."

She slowly took her sun glasses off then looked up. Her eyes were a very light blue almost not visible. Then it hit me.

She's blind.

I stayed quiet for who knows how long, because the next thing I knew she was getting ready to leave.

"I knew he was going to be like every other guy." She mumbled

I smiled and stood up, then took her hand. She stood still.

"Mind If I walk you?" I asked her

A smile grew on her face as she tightened the grip on my hold.

"I would love it." She replied

And that's how it all began.
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I take requests.