Sequel: Even After Everything

Ever So Slightly

Little Black Dresses & Bus Shelters

I’m sitting in a bus shelter. Because I’m a tramp and have nowhere to live.

Not really - I’m waiting for the 519 bus to Ellesemere.


I’ve been waiting a while, and I’ll be waiting a while longer because the bus doesn’t arrive for a good twenty minutes.

I’m sat here in this little black dress I bought from NewLook a couple of months ago. I couldn’t really afford to buy it at that point in time, but my friend was pretty keen on it too so I thought I’d better ‘get in there’ first, so to speak.

I know when I say the words ‘little black dress’, you think a classy, low neck, short skirted number, so I’ll say now that that’s not what I was wearing. It has a very high neck, with a bubble skirt and a huge bow across the chest - you’ve probably seen it if you’ve been into NewLook recently, they sell it in red too. But anyway, I digress.

I’m feeling a little overdressed actually - I knew I shouldn’t have worn the kitten heels, flats would have been so much more subtle - but at least I decided yes on the opaque tights. Nothing says ‘out for a night on the town’ like bare legs and court shoes, and I’m only going to a little party.

It’s my ex-boyfriends nineteenth, but if you ask my parents, it’s a sleepover with Ellie and a huge pizza.

Ellie’s going to be there actually, to supervise my getting drunk for the first time - I know, eighteen years old and I haven’t even been drunk yet. Seriously, someone shoot me.

I’m wondering actually, if she’ll be wearing my dress - she went back and bought it after I had in the end. “You don’t mind, do you?” she’d gushed, and I didn’t, not in the slightest.

Truth be told, I was feeling a bit apprehensive about it - I don’t usually go for things that short, and I was a bit hesitant about the humongous bow. I figured if I saw her in it first, my mind would be put at ease. Mental checklist, does she look like a slag? Is her arse hanging out? No? Then I feel good wearing it.

Only she hasn’t been anywhere in the dress as of yet.

Which is I why, right now, I do not feel that good.

I can hear voices building up behind me and turn around to see about thirty or forty kids gathered around the bus stop, waiting.

I’m a little shocked, surely all these people can’t be going to Mark’s party? This bus is pretty much the only way of getting there, short of a lift or a taxi.

I strain my neck round in the hope of catching sight of people I know.

Rhys and Mike are sitting just behind me, with a couple of girls.

Ordinarily I’d go over and say hi - I’ve met Rhys and Mike a few times before - but the girls are keeping my bum firmly glued to the bench. Nothing says desperate like a girl in a short skirt talking to an obviously attached guy - I’ve learnt this from experience.

So I stay seated, aware of how odd I look, dressed up for a nightclub, but sitting alone in a bus shelter.
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I'm writing this story ahead of myself so I'm going to be posting updates about once every two to three days.

To make it last, you see?

If you want them sooner then comment the story requesting it and I'll stick them up a.s.a.p.

See what good comes of commenting? =P