Sequel: Even After Everything

Ever So Slightly

Sweaters & Serenades

I smile to myself.

‘Aw, you have a cute smile,’ he grins walking over to the door and picking up the acoustic guitar that stood there. ‘Want to hear another song?’ he asks, like a little kid.

I nod and smile goofily, I love live music - and who was I to say no to a serenade?

‘Okay,’ he says, slumping down on the bed again. He taps a slow beat on the guitar and then starts singing, with the most amazing voice, ever. It’s so soulful and sad that I almost feel like crying.

‘I’m not one for love songs…the way I’m living makes you feel like giving up, but you don’t, and I want everything for you…but disappointment, cause you’ve been left behind…and the world has it’s shine…I would drop it on a dime for you…’

He continues and I stare in awe, thinking he must be signed. His friend owns a label and Gabe’s is the most uniquely stunning voice I’ve ever heard.

The song comes to a slow, unbelievably cute close with Gabe turning to face me and murmuring ‘more than you could ever know.’

I let out a breathe I hadn’t even realised I was holding.

‘That was so great,’ I gush, staring at him.

He smiles dorkily and looks down at the guitar.

‘Thanks chicka.’

‘No problem,’ I sigh, staring at the ceiling. ‘Aw shit…’

I groan, looking down at my crumpled dress.

‘What’s up?’

‘My dress is getting all creased. You see that bag down there?’ I say, gesturing to the over night bag Mark had transported upstairs for me earlier.


‘There’s a blue jumper in there. Could you pass it out to me please?’

‘You mean this sweater?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘Here you goes,’ he says, tossing it to me.

‘Thanks.’ I pull my dress up over my head and hand it to Gabe. ‘Could you hang this up someplace for me?’

He takes the dress as I pull the jumper down over my head, not even realising that for a few moments, that I’d been almost naked in front of him.

I sigh heavily and fall backwards onto the bed closing my eyes.

After a short pause I feel Gabe’s hands rolling me over. I frown and mumble something, but he says something along the lines of ‘You’ll choke on your vomit if you lie on your front’.

I murmur a thanks and zone out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw, how cute is Gabe =]

I know it's only short but I'm trying to slow things down =P
i don't want it to be over too soon =[

If you want another today then harass me and i'll try my best
there's nothing like feeling wanted =D