Sequel: Even After Everything

Ever So Slightly

Naked & Nauseous


‘It’s not that far - Mark was all-’

‘Oh well thank you William, what a good idea. Kidnap me and take me to Birmingham, where I have no way of getting home. My parents don’t even know I was at the party - I’m supposed to be back by eleven - what time is it now?’

‘…Half four.’

‘Shit. I am so bollocked. I’m never going to be allowed out again, for as long as I live.’

‘Aren’t…your parents on vacation?’ William asks slowly.

I think for a few seconds, willing my brain to work. Vacation…grounding…a whole two weeks…they are - they are.

Thank you, baby Jesus.

I sigh, dropping onto the floor, relieved.

William eyes me cautiously.

‘They are…oh my god…thank god.’ I slump against his legs, breathing heavily.

‘And we’ll drive you home whenever - it’s not a problem.’

‘Oh my god William, you’re a life saver. Or does it count as life saving when you fucked it in the first place? I need to go home like, now.’

‘Ah…’ William looks shiftily at me. ‘That may be a problem.’

‘Why?’ I demand. ‘Exactly why would that be a problem, William, when you- you- stole me and brought me here?’

‘Gabe and I have to work tonight, and uh…tomorrow night too.’

‘SO? You brought me here! You take me back! Tell them you’re sick!’

William sighs agitatedly. ‘It doesn’t work like that.’

‘Why doesn’t it?’

I am getting frustrated.

And very angry.

‘Because it just doesn’t! Gabe and I have shows to play, and thousands of kids are turning up to watch, and we can’t just bail.’

I let this thought process.

‘Shows?’ I ask, confused.

‘Yes, shows. Gigs. Our bands are on tour at the moment. That’s why we’re in the UK.’

‘You’re in a band? With Gabe?’

William’s eyebrows knit together ever so slightly. ‘No, separate bands. We’re on a joint headliner.’

‘Oh…so that’s why he was singing last night. I thought he must have been signed…’

‘He was singing last night?’

‘Yeah, as I was going to sleep. I’m not one for love songs,’ I quote. ‘the way I’m living-’

‘Makes you feel like giving up.’ He finishes, frowning.

‘Yeah, you know it?’

‘Uh-huh. He doesn’t often play it live though. He does more of the upbeat songs.’

‘What’s his band called?’ I ask, curious.

‘Cobra Starship.’

‘Cobra Starship? What kind of name is that?’

William smiles wryly. He has an insanely cute smile.

‘So what band are you in?’ I ask.

‘The Academy Is…’ he begins.

I wait for a few moments but he doesn’t finish.

‘The Academy Is what?’

‘Huh? No, it’s called The Academy Is. Just The Academy Is.’

‘Oh, I see. That’s a cool name…sort of misleading and…cool. At the same time.’

‘Um, thanks,’ he says sliding down the wall to join me on the floor.

‘So what, I just have to hang around for the next two days?’

‘No way, that would be boring, huh? We could go shopping or something, and you can come watch our show tonight.’ He shrugs. ‘If you want.’

‘Sounds good - only…I uh, can’t go out like this.’

I look down at myself, as does William, before snapping his head up quickly - realising I was wearing nothing more than the jumper and my boxers.

‘Uh…r-right.’ His words stumble over one another. ‘I’ll go talk to Vicky, she’s about your size I’d guess.’

He walks out of the room quickly, and I lay on the floor for a moment, closing my eyes and ignoring the chronic twisting in my stomach.

Then I notice my bag in the corner of the room.


I grab my toothbrush, hairbrush and make-up bag, and open the only other door in the room, mentally congratulating myself at finding the bathroom on my first try.

Quite needless to say, I smarten myself up a little, before returning my things to my bag and laying back on the floor, exhaustion taking over. I let my eyes drift shut, and the room is silent.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm getting my hair cut today so wish me luck, because cause since my old stylist spontaneously went in to car sales [hmmm] i've had a job trying to get another good one.


Oh Sam, what other-side-of-the-world car depot did they take you to?