Sequel: Even After Everything

Ever So Slightly

Stolen Clothes & Clichés

Before I even notice, the girls have clambered forwards and are descending upon the car with frantic excitement.

‘Oh my God! William Beckett! Do you remember me?!’ screams one of them, as I see him climb out of the car, Gabe joining him from the other side.

‘Hi girls,’ he says. ‘Wow, you waited out here all this time? What can we do for you?’

My eyebrows knit together and my heart lurches as one of them yells, ‘Oh my god, will you kiss me? I can’t believe this is happening - Claire, get the camera.’

William crouches down slightly, and pecks her cheek before smiling at the camera and doing a thumbs up.

‘No no, on my lips William - I met you on the Decaydance Tour, do you remember?’

‘Uh, sure, of course I do-’ he begins as she demands, ‘On my lips!’ again.

He chuckles. ‘Aw sorry, no can do girls.’

‘Is it cause you have a girlfriend?’ one screeches. All the girls fall silent.

‘Ha ha, not yet - I’m working on it. You want me to sign anything or anything ? Only we’re really tired now and kinda want to sleep,’ he grins, gesturing to Gabe - who is sitting on the bonnet of the car, smirking.

I watch as the girls brandish a frenzy of memorabilia and Sharpies, and laugh to myself.

Eventually, William hugs the girls and starts off towards the hotel, coming nearer and nearer - the girls still watching like spectators at a zoo.

I don’t want to approach him - because I don’t want to have to tell him I’ve been stupid enough to lock myself out. Besides - having seen how adored he is, I’m feeling slightly redundant, as if I have no right to be standing outside his hotel, wearing his clothes. What if he totally regrets bringing me back?

I know however, it was either this, or a cold night wandering around Birmingham, so as he and Gabe draw nearer, I step out. He catches sight of my silhouette tentatively walking towards him, and smiles.

He has such a cute smile.

‘What can I do for you? Want a photo? I hope you enjoyed the show tonight-’ he begins, being genuinely friendly, but sort of distanced.

‘He doesn’t realise who I am,’ I think, stopping short and staring. I pause for a moment.

‘I have a hat just like that you know - we must have great taste, haha.’

I carefully pull the hat off my head and look at him.

‘Actually?’ I say, my voice still hoarse from my crying, my face still blotchy. ‘It is yours - I locked myself out.’

He stares at me with a mixture of incredulity and bewilderment, making my eyes well up - he thinks I’m a moron.

What am I saying? I am a moron. And I’m going to start crying any minute now.

And he can tell.

He laughs softly and wraps me in the tightest hug. I’m faintly aware of the little fan girls watching, glaring daggers at me.

Thinking, Slag. Whore.

And you know what? I don’t care. Cliché as it sounds, whilst Will is here, I feel safe from the judgments of jealous little girls. I smile into his t-shirt.

‘Silly,’ he whispers in my ear. And he just stands there with me, hugging my shoulders.

All I can smell is his sweat and the faintest waft of aftershave, and the coconut shampoo on his hair - and it’s the most welcoming smell I’ve ever experienced.

‘How about we go in, hmm?’ he asks, pulling away slightly - I suddenly feel the cold again.

I nod, and he pulls me forwards a little, before stepping behind me and guiding me in, his hands on my waist, and my hands in his.
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Okay, so i wasn't planning on updating again today but I officially got 'hassled' =D

So this update is for 'omgffx2', you keep me motivated lol