Sequel: Even After Everything

Ever So Slightly

Unexpected & Not Unwelcome

I wake up the next morning at around 6am, and groan inwardly, rolling over to try and get back to sleep. When I had been back at home, I’d be used to this every morning - the sound of my brothers thumping around, the TV blaring, it was all part of family living - but I’d gotten so used to sleeping till the early afternoon now that I couldn’t bare to wake up at all.

Not that that’s what I’d have done ordinarily.

I have these earphones that came with my phone. You’ve probably seen variations around, but mine were black, with rubber lips around the outside that blocked all outside noise out - great for when you’re in the car and the parents have Radio 4 blasting out of the system. I keep them by my bed ready to shove grumpily into my ears the moment I hear the slightest noise in the morning, and go back to sleep until around ten o’clock.

Actually, that has to be the most annoying thing - when you go downstairs for breakfast at what is quite obviously morning, only to be greeted with a heavily sarcastic ‘good afternoon.’ I feel like saying, ‘Well if you hadn’t had about fifty-bazillion kids, then you wouldn’t have to get up at 6am either.’

I constantly feel like my parents are jealous of me - yes, that’s exactly why they nag so much. Not because I do anything wrong.

Anyway, I digress for about the hundredth time.

I drift back into a light sleep for a few hours, until I feel Will stirring beside me. Rolling over onto my back, I open my eyes groggily, pushing my hair away from my face. William turns to face me and props himself up on his elbow, murmuring, ‘Morning, sunshine.’

I smile, letting a brief moan escape my lips as I stretch.

He leans over a little and places his other arm to my left for support, before lowering his head to blow on gently my face. I giggle and wriggle my nose - and he laughs, catching my lips and pressing a hard, warm kiss to them.

As my body begins to wake up and my breathing quickens, I push my hands up his back and grip on to his shoulders, opening my mouth as he does the same.

And suddenly I don’t want to go back to sleep anymore.

Tongue pushing through my lips gently, Will lowers his chest onto mine as he moves the hand he’d been using as support to my t-shirt, pushing it up slowly. My brain panics slightly as I think he’s going to go further, but it comes to a rest on my waist, rubbing circles against my bare skin with his thumb.

After what could have been minutes pass, his mouth becomes rougher against mine, and slowly, I pull my fingernails down his back, relishing the sound of him moaning quietly into my mouth. I smile against his lips and slip my hands round to his stomach, sliding them up his chest and burying them in his hair - hair that still smelled ever so slightly of coconut.

He probes my mouth further, as my heart starts pummeling, realising I can feel something hardening against my leg. Through the excitement of the kiss, I can feel alarm bells going off in the back of my head. Will slows down noticeably and pulls away, a little red faced, and pecks my lips once more, before slowly climbing off me and sitting up.

‘I um…just need to take care of, uh…I need a shower. Do you want to grab some breakfast or something? I think the tour guys might have stocked up the cupboards a bit.’

‘Sure,’ I say, smiling, and trying not to giggle a little at the situation. I press my lips to his briefly, before standing up and walking through the door to the kitchen.

As I open the cupboards having reached the kitchen, I realise that the words ‘the tour guys might have stocked up the cupboards a bit’ were no overstatement. The Oreos had been replaced, and there was a carrier bag next to them, containing two pints of milk, a few apples, some coffee, box of Weetabix and a flimsy woman’s magazine .

Wow. Someone certainly pushed the boat out.

I drop a few Weetabix into a bowl and splash on milk, poking it around in an attempt to make it absorb faster. There’s nothing worse than crunchy Weetabix, I’ll tell you that for nothing.

After the Weetabix have become suitably mushy, I spoon it into my mouth, watching the amount left go down gradually and pondering my situation.

Now I’d like to think that I’m a girl with pretty good morals. I’ve never had sex because it’s never felt right, I never been drunk [until the other night] because I’ve never felt the need to, and I’ve never done drugs of any sort, so by and by, I’ve lived my life as an unaware straight-edge. I’ve also lived my life watching my best friends and worst enemies sleep around, making out with random boys and going to wild parties, as I stand and watch from the edge. And I don’t mean to sound resentful at this - mostly it was completely my choice. But as a result, I now feel as if I’ve sold out my morals for a few days ecstasy, and after these few days are over, I’m going to feel worse. Loose, cheap, and depressed because of it.

Should I really be doing this with Will?

Sure, it’s only kissing, but up until now, I’ve only ever kissed people I’d gone out with - you know, dated. It feels wrong to be doing it promiscuously.

Shortly, William enters the room, fully dressed.

‘Hey,’ he smiles, walking over and leaning into me to blow softly on my face. ‘Sorry I was so long.’

‘That’s fine, you ‘sorted’ now?’ I smirk.

He lets out a low chuckle. ‘Yeah.’

‘Well, I’m going to get dressed then,’ I say, placing a palm on his stomach and letting it fall as I walk away. As I push open the door to the bedroom, he calls after me.

‘I need to go and see Gabe at some point. Do you want me to wait for you? I think Bianca stayed with him last night, so you can hang with her whilst we‘re busy.’

‘Sounds good,’ I reply, curious at his need to see Gabe - especially after last night. ‘Give me ten minutes.’

I pace into the bedroom and pull some navy jeans and a yellow tee from the wardrobe, climbing into them as I hastily apply my make-up and leave the room. Will sees me emerge and walks towards the door, opening it for me as I approach, and closing it behind him.

As we step out into the corridor, he takes my hand, tugging me along gently and rapping a few times on a random door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alrighty. This morning's high still hasn't worn off.

Eeh he he.

Ahem. Did you know, that when i type Weetabix, spell check thinks i mean Westby?

Every time I press the space bar, it changes it automatically.

And also, my laptop 'J' and 'I' keys are ridiculously sensitive so i keep accidentally pressing them. I downloaded a doofuh off the internet that recorded how many spelling errors i make, and it's off the scale.

It's shitty. Well anyway, now you know why there's random i's and j's in random words.

I only have to RUB the j key. It's like *rub* orgasmmmm 'JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ!'
