Sequel: Even After Everything

Ever So Slightly

Alcohol & Antics

I can feel something by the side of my face.

What do you know - it’s Will. He’s trying to whisper to me though - I can tell ‘cause he keeps moving his mouth back to my ear as I turn to look at him. I hold my head still.

‘You wanna go dance?’ he murmurs.

This is the first time I’ve been asked to dance by a guy at a party.

I know - shoot me.

‘Mmm-hmm,’ I nod, smiling and standing up. Who cares if I don’t know how to dance? I hold onto his hand as I head towards the dance floor, pulling him along with my newly found confidence.

As we reach the floor, I push my way past a few people, moving more to the center so I don’t have to worry about Bianca gawping at me - I know I’ll make a tit of myself if I think people are watching. I turn around to face Will, and mimic the other girls around me, shaking my hips and holding my arms up by my head - hoping weakly that I don’t look as big as a slag as I feel.

For a while, Will does pretty much the same, before draining his glass and setting it to the side. His hands find my waist and he steps closer so that our stomachs are touching, our hips moving in synchronism. Slowly, I become unaware of the people around me. Fuck what they think. Maybe I just want to have fun for once - stop watching from the side lines.

As a new song starts up, Will slips behind me, replacing his hands on my hips. I’m a little surprised as his crotch comes into contact with my ass, but I just let go, and we’re bumping and grinding on the dance floor, in a world of our own.

Right now, I don’t know where the crowds have gone, and I don’t care - all I can feel are Will’s hands on my hips, his crotch pushing into me, and his breath on my neck as he groans softly. People are shouting and the music is pumping, but I hear that groan, and it’s making me hot as hell.

William’s lips find my skin, and he bites down, just below my ear. I’m caught off guard and let out an audible moan, as he continues to suck and bite down, grinding into my ass harder and harder. He pulls away and returns his mouth to my ear.

‘What do you say we take this some place a little more private?’ he purrs.

‘Mmmm,’ I smile, and keeping his hands on my hips, he steers me out from the dance floor and heads over towards Pete.

‘Bill!’ Pete begins, but Will goes to whisper something in his ear. A smirk spreads across his face and he mumbles something back, gesturing ever so slightly with his head before turning back to the group of people he’s standing with.

‘Come on,’ he growls, tugging me through the room in the direction of where Pete had gestured. I follow him, incredibly turned on by how domineering he was being, until we reach this huge column light that’s sticking up from the floor, and carrying on up through the ceiling. He pulls me behind it and I can just about make out a door emblazoned with the words ‘Employees Only’.

As the door opens however, it becomes clear that this room is not intended for employees. The walls are a deep purple, and the tiled floor is covered up almost entirely by a huge black rug. A large sofa takes over one side of the room, and there are random mirrors everywhere - the walls, the ceiling - even the chandelier style light fitting is covered in tiny mirror pieces. The only things that look out of place, are a hardwood table in one corner, and a mop and bucket in another.

Will leads me in, slamming the door behind him with his foot, and turning around to push me up against the wall, hands either side of my shoulders.

Breathing heavily, he presses a hard kiss to my mouth, opening his lips hungrily and flicking his tongue over the tip of my own. Moving closer so that the space between our bodies is non-existent, he slides his hands down the wall and onto my ass, gripping firmly and pushing into me with his chest as if to stop me from going anywhere. I exhale loudly from my nose and push against him, if only so he’ll push back harder, and I run my hands through his hair. He does as I expected him to, slamming into me and grabbing my hands, pinning them either side of my head.

My entire body is red hot, and I have to be as close to him as I can, as hard as I can, to have as much of his skin touching mine as humanly possible.

Mouths working feverously, Will pushes a knee between my legs and holds it to the wall as he starts to grind his hips roughly into mine, gyrating and thrusting, our breathing becoming erratic. After what seems like an age of our frenzied antics, Will spins us around and walks me backwards until the back of my knee hits the seat of the sofa, our lips still moving furiously together and tongues still tangling as though alive.

He pushes me back, and slightly sideways, so that I’m laying down on the cushions, before he pulls away from my mouth and begins planting butterfly kisses all the way from my cheek to my ear lobe, which he begins to suck on, biting down hard. Every time his lips move further down, every time he bites, a low moan escapes my throat, and it’s as if it spurs him on, making him press his body harder to mine, running his cold hands up my stomach. I run my own under his shirt and up his back, pulling my fingernails down again, only slower, and harder, the sound of him groaning into my skin the biggest encouragement I need to continue.

I push my crotch upwards into his, grinding against him as I feel him slip his hand under my bra, and take my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He squeezes hard, and bites down on my lower neck simultaneously, causing me to actually let out a full moan, gasping and panting under his body weight. He lowers his hands slightly, so that they’re either side of my ribs - with his thumb just tucked under the bottom of my bra - as he removes his mouth from my chest, fixing his lips back upon mine in a slower, much gentler kinesis. He nibbles on my lower lip for a moment, before pressing one final kiss to my mouth, and laying his head on my shoulder.

If I had to describe the sound of absolute satisfaction to you right now, it would be just this, the sound of us panting, gasping for breath, bodies pressed so close together that it almost hurts.

♠ ♠ ♠

Now that children, is what happens when you get drunk. As in, you end up making out in a room with a random guy - who may not be William Beckett. And where's the point in that? ;)

So I found another fic that I particularly like, and I thought I'd share it with you - I know how hard it is to come across these things. It's called 'Stuttering' by justimpolite.

I love the way it's written and it's a new concept for me, I subscribed and commented right away. It's prose style, but with dialogue, and I love how the heroine is being half forced into sorority gatherings, hanging out with Will and moving away, very much against her will.

I'm psyched to see where this goes, though I can probably guess it has something to do with Mr Beckett. What can I say, I'm a sucker for fanfiction.

The story's here: