Sequel: Even After Everything

Ever So Slightly

Retards & Tights

‘In my tights,’ I add hastily.


What was that?

Hole? Tights? Could I get much more retarded?

It seemed that Mike and William didn‘t think so, both looking at me as though I’d said something odd.

Which I had.

‘Um…’ I clear my throat. ‘I was walking down here the other week with Mark - and…I was wearing these shoes, so I was taller than him…and that was embarrassing, so I took them off. And all this gravel wore away at the tights, and then the hole popped over my toe…right here.’


‘Well that’s random,’ teased Mike playfully. ‘This is where I got the first hole in my tights,’ he mimicked, then indicated a bush. ‘This is where I lost my virginity.’

‘I hope you’re joking!’ I splutter, laughing.

‘And something tells me he’s not,’ grins William, slapping him on the back.

‘Ah haha, wouldn’t you like to know?’ Laughed Mike.

As we turn the corner, emerging from the shade of the trees, Mark’s house comes into view. A short way ahead, the couple started up the grassy verge and made their way to the back of the house, Mike, William and I following behind, like lazy sheep.

As we approached the back door, Mark appeared, in black skinnies and a pinstriped shirt.

Now, I’m not usually the one to insult the way Mark looks, given that we used to date so it would be sort of like me insulting my own taste, but he does look like a bit of a ‘tard tonight.

He has this habit, which he obviously implemented today, of wearing skinnies which were two sizes to large for him, giving more of a baggy effect. And whenever he wears a shirt he just - no.

Just no. His shoulders look like, the width of Ireland, and he tucks it in so that, paired with his relatively skinny waist just makes him look like a penguin….swan.

A penguin swan.

‘Hi Maark,’ I smile hugging him loosely, then stepping away. ‘Happy birthday.’

‘Aww thanks.’ He returns the smile goofily, then peers around me and waves to Mike and William. ‘Hi guys.’

They exchange manly pats on the back and grunting, whilst I head inside the house to find Ellie and Claire.

I hadn’t seen either of them since they went on holiday, and it seemed like years.

Absolute years.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a shorty, but I've already updated today.

I like to just thank the subscribers for uh...subscribing =]

It means a lot =D