We're So Different But I Love You Anyway

Numero Tres

Adrienne was at the park one afternoon. She was sitting on the slide by herself. Billie Joe was walking to Mike's house for practice. He noticed her sitting all alone and stopped in his tracks. He waved at her with a friendly smile. She hopped off of the red slide and walked toward him.

"Hi." She said quietly.

"Hey." He said with a smile.

"What's going on?" Adrienne asked.

"Going to Mike's for practice." Billie Joe replied.

"Mind if I walk with you?" She questioned.

"Sure." He said.

Both of them began talking. They had more in common than they thought. Like the love for music, all though it was a different kind. They both had a sense of humor. And both of them were equally cocky. Adrienne and Billie Joe talked for hours. They got along really well. Before they knew it, they had lost track of time. It was dark and they were far from Mike's house. They shrugged and walked towards the woods. They sat down in an area of willows and kept talking. They knew they would have to keep this quiet. Neither of them wanted to be hassled.