A Little Bit Longer

Sometimes Goodbye's The Only Way

"I'll call you everyday," he whispered.

I was wrapped up in his arms, my head resting on his shoulder while he rubbed my back, "I'm counting on that."

I felt Nick put his hand on my chin and lift my face up to look at him, "Don't be sad," he said, "Taylor said she would help you get through this."

I smiled, and then I heard, "Nick, let's go!"

He looked at his brothers, "Give me a second, please!" then he looked down at me, "I'll see you soon, Kayleigh," he whispered, then leaned down and kissed me.

I wiped my eyes as he gently disentangled me from his arms. He jogged toward his brothers and was swallowed by the Jonas Brother's tour bus. I turned around and saw my older sister, Taylor, wrapped up in her boyfriend's arms. She looked at me sympathetically.

"Kay," she whispered, "Come here."

I walked slowly over to her, and she brought me into her arms and I cried into her shoulder.

"You didn't tell me it would feel like this," I sobbed.

"I try not to think about how it feels," she whispered, "Because I don't feel much better, even though I've done this a million times before."

"I don't know how you're gonna take this," I heard Zacky say, "But he probably doesn't feel any better. Because it doesn't feel good on this end, either."

I let out a shuddering breath, "I want him back here."

My sister tapped my side lightly, "Let's go sit with the Avenged guys, hm? They're leaving in a week, so we can be upset together."

Zack made a noise, "Aw, babe," he said,

Taylor wrapped an arm around my waist, and Zacky wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and we all walked into Taylor's house. The rest of Avenged Sevenfold was sitting there, and so was Lyndsey, Synyster Gates' girlfriend and Taylor's best friend.

"Kay, what's wrong?"

"Nick just went on tour, and she can't go because of school," Taylor said.

I buried my face in my hands and started sobbing again. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, and I snuggled into the broad chest in front of me. I heard a deep chuckle.

"Kay baby," Matt's deep voice rang out, "It'll get better."

Lyndsey spoke up, "Kay, look at me."

Matt turned to the side, so that I could look at Lyndsey, "What?"

"I'm gonna tell you something that Taylor told me when we were upset about our boys leaving without us. Don't think of it as one more day that you don't see him. Think of it as one more day closer till you do see him."

"It helps, but sometimes you just want to sit around and be upset," Taylor said from my right. I looked at her and she smiled, shrugging, "But what Lyndsey said is true. When you feel like you're gonna lose it, but you can't because you're at school, or work, or whatever, just think of that and you'll be okay," she added.

I smiled as my phone rang in my pocket. I picked it up with a "Hello?"

"Hey gorgeous," I heard Nick's soft voice in my ear.

"Oh, Nick," I sighed, and twisted out of Matt's arms and went onto the porch, "I miss you already," I said, sitting on the swing on my sister's porch.

"I know how you feel. I miss you, too."

"My sister's been on tour with Avenged countless times, I don't understand why Mom won't let me go out and see you guys," I said, quietly.

"You're her baby," he said with a laugh, "But you have to go to school, Kay."

"I'd rather be with you," I said.

He sighed, "I know, baby. I want you with me, but by the time you're out of school, and I have to go to back on tour, it'll be summer and maybe Taylor can convince her to let you stay on tour with me for a week."

"Taylor might have to come with us," I said.

"I'd rather have your sister here then not have you at all," he said.

I almost started to cry, "Oh, Nick."

"Oh, baby, don't cry!"

I giggled, "I'm trying, but it's hard without you."

"I know. Joe and Zacky didn't tell me it would feel like this," he said.

"Neither did Taylor, but she said that she didn't want to think about it, especially with Avenged going on tour so soon."

"Yeah, Zacky told me that I'm not gonna feel much better than you."

"He told me that, too."

"Miley texted me today," Nick said.

"When?" I asked, sitting up straight.

"About 10 minutes ago," he said, "She asked if I was done with you yet."

"What did you say?" I asked, bringing my knees up to my chest.

"I said not even close and she said that I should be, but I didn't answer her."

I smiled, "She needs to back off."

"I know, right?"

"Am I allowed to put pictures of us on my binder, like normal couples?" I asked.

Nick laughed, "If you want, Kay."

I smiled, "Good."

"I have to go," Nick said with a sigh.

I sighed, "Okay, call me after your show?"

"It's gonna be late," he said.

I smiled, "I don't care."

He laughed, "Okay. I'll talk to you later."

I smiled, "Bye Nick."

"Bye gorgeous."

I hung up my phone and Taylor walked outside, "Mom called. She wants me to take you home."

I nodded, "Okay."

She put her arm around my shoulder and we walked toward her car. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it, then pulled out of the driveway.

"What did Nick have to say?" she asked as she drove down the street.

"He missed me and by the time I'm out of school, they'll be back on tour," I said, "Oh, and Miley Cyrus texted him today."

She let out a forced laugh, "What did Slutty Cyrus have to say?"

I giggled, "She wanted to know if he dumped me yet. So he answered no, and she said that he should be, but he didn't respond."

My sister nodded in approval, "Good job, kid."

"Are you gonna hang out at home for a while?" I asked.

She looked at the clock, it was only noon, "Yeah, sure. I don't have anything to do until later when Zacky takes me on a special date."

I smiled, "That's adorable. Where are you going?"

She sighed, "He won't tell me."

I laughed, "Did he say dress fancy?"

"That's what he meant. He said, 'Baby, put on your sexiest dress.' But that's his way, I guess."

I laughed again as we pulled into the driveway. She put her cigarette out and we got out of the car. She put her arm around my shoulders and I wrapped an arm around her waist. Even though she was 23 and I was 15, we were still really close.

I opened the door and she announced, "Honey, I'm home!"

Our youngest sister ran out of the kitchen and latched onto Taylor's leg. She had always looked up to Taylor and imitated her any chance she got.

"Taylorrrrr!" she exclaimed.

Taylor reached down and picked her up, "Hey Rachel!"

Rachel wrapped her arms around Taylor's neck tightly, "I missed you!"

Taylor carried her into the kitchen, where our parents and Riley, our 17 year old brother, were sitting.

"I see the monster got you," Dad said, referring to Rachel.

Taylor laughed, "That she did."

"Hey Kayleigh, how are you feeling?" Mom asked, softly.

I smiled, "I'm alright. Taylor and Lyndsey have been a big help."

Taylor let Rachel down, but Rachel just stayed at her side, making us all chuckle.

"Mom, Dad, can I talk to you about something?"

"Uh oh," Mom said, looking at Taylor with a smirk.

Taylor laughed, "So, I was online with Zacky, and we were comparing Jonas tour dates with Avenged tour dates, and both bands are gonna be in Florida for a week at the same time. If one band is playing a show, the other one has the day off. So, I was wondering if I could take Kay on a vacation for a weekend to go see the boys."

Mom looked at her skeptically, "Taylor, I don't know.."

"If Kay packs a bag on a Thursday night, I can pick her up from school on Friday, and we can fly to Florida. We can be there for Saturday and most of Sunday, and fly back Sunday night, so she can be back to school on Monday," Taylor said.

"Go get me the school calendar, Kay," Mom said.

I ran to the school calendar and picked it up off the counter, and slammed it on the table in front of her, "Here."

Taylor stifled a laugh as Mom asked, "What week?"

"I talked to both managers, and they said they both will arrive in Florida on 4th, the Thursday."

"So, they're gonna be in Florida all the next week?" she asked.

"Till the Sunday," she said.

"Kay has spring break that week," Mom said with a smile.

My eyes widened, "So, could I go? Taylor would be there!"

Mom grinned, "I'm fine as long as you don't miss any school. Fred, what do you think?"

"I can't say no, because Taylor goes on tour with a band that doesn't wear chastity rings," he said with a smirk at Taylor, "And I trust her, so I'm fine with it."

I pulled out my phone, "Thank you guys, so much!" and bolted to my room, calling Nick.

"Hey, Kay! It's Joe."

I smiled, "Hey Joe!"

"You sound super excited, which is a change from when I last saw you."

I laughed, "Well, my sister was just convincing my parents to let me spend a weekend with you guys during that week you guys spend in Florida."

"The week that is like, intertwined with Avenged Sevenfold?"


"Did she convince her?" he asked.

"I have spring break that week, so if it's okay with you guys...."

"Oh, Kay, you don't even have to ask!" Joe exclaimed, "Here's Nick, I'll let you tell him the good news."

I laughed, "Thanks, Joe."

"No problem," I heard a soft voice in the background, then, "Hey, what's this good news?" Nick asked.

I smiled at the sound of his voice, "So, you know that week you guys are spending in Florida that's almost intertwined with the Avenged tour schedule?"

He laughed, "Yeah."

"Well, Taylor was convincing my Mom to let me spend a weekend with you guys, and she was gonna let me."

"What do you mean, was gonna?" he asked.

I giggled, "Let me finish!"

He laughed, "Okay."

"So, she checked my school calendar, and that's the week I'm on spring break!"

"Oh my God! A whole week?!" he exclaimed.

I giggled, "Yeah! And my sister will get to see Zacky, and I'll get to see you!"

"Oh, Kay, thats great."

"It's perfect," I said.

I heard the smile in his voice when he said, "Just like you."