I Wanna Be Your Last First Kiss

Meet Lenora and Gerard

Chapter 1

"Mommy! I don't wanna wear this dress," I complained as I walked down the stairs wearing a frilly dress and ribbons tied around my pig tails.

"Oh you look adorable, come on we're gonna be late," she replied helping me with my jacket. "Honey! come on we're gonna be late," she yelled to my dad. He came down wearing a suit fixing his tie.

"Okay okay, lets go," he replied grabbing his jacket and leading us out the door.

We loaded in the car and drove off. I sat in my car seat playing with my favorite teddy bear.

"Daddy, why do we have to go?" I questioned him, I was never fond of getting all dressed up for anything. Well only cause I hated wearing a dress.

"Cause this is a Christmas party for my new boss, I heard he has kids though," he replied back.

"Are they Lenora's age?" I heard my mom question him.

"Yup, one of them is, two boys," she replied back.

"Ewww, boy's have cooties," I replied back scrunching my face up. I heard they laugh at me.

"I'm sure you'll be friends with them," he replied back, I just shook my head still playing with my teddy bear.

We pulled up to the office building, rushing inside. Which wasn't necessary due to the fact his boss wasn't even there yet. So they just stood around talking to all the other grown ups. I sat on a chair kicking my legs back and forth. I looked forward and saw two other people walk in followed by two little boys about my age.

"Lenora sweetie, come on," I heard my mom say to me pulling me off the chair and over to those two other people with my dad.

"Sorry we're late, were still getting used to the town," the man replied to my father with a smile shaking his hand. "This is my wife Donna and my two boys, Gerard and Mikey," he replied.

They greeted each other with smiles and hand shakes, Gerard kept looking as if he didn't like me. I don't blame him, I didn't really like him either.

"Its nice to meet you, this is my wife Esme and my daughter Lenora," he replied. They looked at me and smiled. I just looked down, so I give up I'm very shy.

"Lenora sweetie, how about you, Gerard, and Mikey, go play on the chalkboards," I heard my father say.

I looked up at him then back at the boys. I sighed and walked away followed by Gerard and Mikey. We went into the office next to them where the chalkboards are, it was really quiet as I pushed a chair to the wall and grabbed some chalk and started drawing. Gerard did the same as me while Mikey sat in the office chair and twirled around.

"You have a weird name," Gerard mentioned to me as he drew.

"You look weird," I replied to him continuing my drawing. Their was silence as we continued drawing. I decided to draw a bat, they were my favorite animals. I looked over at his drawing, but didn't recognize it at all.

"What is that?" I questioned him.

"A vampire," he replied back "They're scary," said as if stating fact.

"They're not scary, your just probably a sissy," I replied back.

"I'm not a sissy," he replied back, we heard Mikey laugh in the back, "shut up Mikey! Your a sissy, I'll prove it,"

I looked at Gerard as he jumped off his chair and walked over to the light switch.

"Don't!" I shouted jumping off my chair and running over to him and pushing him into the wall before he could touch the light switch.

"Ow! I'm telling!" he shouted and ran out of the office. I stood there scared of getting in trouble, I guess I could say I was traumatized about being in the dark. It happened when I was three, I don't remember details but I do know that thanks to my inhuman screaming abilities I'm still here.

"Hide!" I heard Mikey say to me. It surprised me for a moment cause I didn't think he would be on my side. I ran over to the desk and hid under it, flashback from my more earlier years popped in my head as I started to close my eyes and rock back and forth.

"Lenora!" I heard my dad yell as he walked in. For some reason I thought It was all in my head.

"MIkey where did she go?" I heard his mom question him.

"Lenora, sweetie, where are you?" I heard my mom this time.

"She's under the desk," I then heard Gerard say.

"Lenora!" I heard my mom clearly this time "Lenora? sweetie, whats wrong?" I ignored her and continued to rock back and forth. "Talk to me, what happened?" she questioned pulling me out from under the desk.

"He was gonna turn off the light," I replied to her hugging myself.

"Come on sweetie," she picked me up taking me out of the office,

She held onto me in the hallway as I could hear my dad explain to them my trauma,

"I'm so sorry about this, I guess there's something that you probably should know, especially with her and the dark. When she was younger about 3 someone had broken into our house, but we didn't even know it, late at night when she was in her room sleeping, the man had been hiding in her closet, and when he knew we were all asleep, and he tried to molest her, since then she's been so afraid of the dark, its hard to get her to go to sleep. She usually sleeps with a lamp on in her room," I heard him explain to them. I heard gasps of concern as he explained it.

"Gerard you go apologize right now," I heard his mom say to him I heard him sigh and walk over to us. My mom had put me down to face him, I knew my eyes were red with tears. I looked at him sniffling as he looked back, and I could tell that he was really sorry, that he felt just horrible.

He frowned and looked at him "I'm sorry," he apologized to me and hugged me. I actually felt better, so I hugged him back. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. Who knows I might actually like him.