I Wanna Be Your Last First Kiss

Those Curious Kids.

4 years later.

April 9th

"Mom! Lets go were gonna be late," I yelled to her as I ran to the stairs.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," she replied to me coming down the stairs. "Did you get his present?"

"Its already in the car like we should be now lets go!" I yelled again running outside.

"I know," she replied locking the door and following me outside to the car. I opened the door to the car and jumped in. She started the engine and drove away. We pulled up to Gerard's house 10 minutes later, I grabbed his present and ran out up to the door, knocking on it.

The door finally opened and there stood his mom "Hi Mrs. Way," I greeted her.

She smiled at me "Hi Lenora, we were waiting for you," she replied.

"Sorry, I blame my mother," I replied to her, I heard her laugh, followed by my mom.

"Okay then, Gerard and the rest are in the back," she replied, I handed her the present and ran to the back.

"Lenny! Finally!" I heard Gerard shout as I walked outside, he was sitting on the grass with Mikey and Frank. A new friend we made.

"It's not my fault," I replied as I sat next to him. "Happy Birthday by the way," I smiled.

We sat there did the usual, talk, play games, soon enough it was time for cake and presents he loved my present since it had to do with vampires and bats. Frank soon left and my mom left asking Mrs. Way if she could watch me for an hour or so.

"Dude wanna see something cool," Gerard said to me.

"Yea," I replied and following him into the house and to his room. He closed his door and walked over to his closet and pulled out a shoe box. He opened it and pulled out a cigarette.

"I got it out of my mom's purse," he replied.

"Those give you cancer," I replied back.

"Not always, wanna try it," he questioned. I thought about it for a moment and true I actually was curious to try one.

"Tomorrow after school, we can," I replied with a smile, he smiled too and nodded. We sat on the floor talking about it for awhile.

And for what reason I don't know, he asked me something random. "What do you think its like to kiss someone?"

I shrugged "I don't know, I've never kissed anyone. Probably the same as kissing your mom or something," I replied back playing with my shoe laces.

"Ew thats gross, why would someone wanna kiss another person if its like kissing your mom?" he questioned, I just shrugged again. "Wanna try?"

"Try kissing?" I questioned him a bit nervous.

"Yea, it'll be harmless were just friends, and we don't have to tell anyone," he replied back. It was true we were just friends, and I actually rather kiss a friend than someone else.

"What kind of kiss?" I questioned him again.

"I don't know a normal one," he replied. I thought about it for a moment then shrugged again and nodded. We sat on the bed for a moment then leaned in and kissed. Honestly I didn't see what was so great about it. We pulled apart and looked at each other.

"I still don't see why people do that," he replied, we both laughed and plugged in his gaming system and started to play.