Waiting Under the Stars

Another Day of Torture

Frankie's pov

Here I am with blood coming down from my nose, along with a bruised eye and stomach. Yet he keeps kicking me and throwing me painful insults. I don't know what made Kyle turn into the monster he is now. I miss all the good and innocent memories we used to share, now they've all slipped away. Everything started going wrong ever since he got fired from his steady job and his mom died not too long ago. He decided to turn to booze and drugs to cure the pain, instead of me. Now he beats me to let out his anger, and when he's under the influence, which is everyday after dinner.

I try my best to keep our apartment by working extra hours at a diner accross the street. Everything I do is for him and it seems like I don't matter at all, it's just Kyle against the world.

He gave the last kick and lifted me off the ground effortlessly. He sneered the four words that would always break my bruised heart, "I don't love you." A stream of tears exit my tired eyes, I even barely eat because he is greedy over food and never lets me have any. I work for him and noone else end of story. As he finishes with those heart breaking words, he throws me to the ground as I wimper in pain. He goes to our room and locks the door so I won't come in. I try to get up as easily as I can, but my arms and legs give up on me. I try again and finally I managed to stand up and walk towards the restroom to clean myself up.

How could I let myself live like this? I feel so ashamed and I haven't eaten a decent meal in days. I don't like to go out because I see people be happy with their lives eating in restaurants and share good times together. I envy them so much, but I brought this on myself. I look in the mirror and I don't recognise the person staring back at me. I had horrible bags under my eyes from lack of rest and I was slowly fading away from lack of food. It's not like I could got out there and get some more, I don't even have enough money for groceries just bills. Once I try to buy groceries, I have to use them up for him, me not getting a single bite to eat.

I grab a wash cloth and dab it at my nose and any other parts were I see blood. I wash my face and dry it afterwards. Then I walk clumsily to the living room, collapsing on the cold hard couch. I look around me and realize i live in a dump with a crazy boyfriend, did I really want this once I moved out? As I thought this I decided to sit outside in the steps to look at the night sky at least.

I force myself up and head towards the door, I open it and close it behind me as I'm out. The cold wind hits my face, but it feels good. I go towards the stairs and sit on a step. I pulled up my knees to my chest and rested my chin on top of them. I take in the Jersy air as i let all my problems slip away.

Gerard's pov

I went out for some groceries since I forgot to get them during the day since I was working at the comic store until late. As I walk into our apartment complex, I see a guy siiting on the steps of his apartment looking thoughtfull. I also saw he had a brused eye and looked extremely thin, like if he didn't have a decent meal in days. I look down at my bags and back at him,I wish I could feed the poor guy. I make up my mind and head towrds him, he noticed I was coming his way and seemed to look paniced. I convice, "Hey I'm not gonna hurt you, want something to eat?" He replied, "I can't, it's your groceries, I'll be fine," I asked carefully, "You sure, you look hungry, and I would feel horrible walking by without a care in the world." He smiled and said, "If you insist," I smiled and asked, "You wanna come with me to my pad?" He refused, "I don't know if I can, I'm sorry," I insisted, "Come on, you look lonely and extremely sad." He looked at his shoes and back at the door, and back at me.He said, "Okay again if you insist." I smiled and he headed to the door to lock it and and went down the steps towards me.

I was right he looked extremly thin and broken, maybe I could help this angel out.