
I'll Be Your Medicine and More

Bill woke up confused and unsure of at first where he was. He felt strong arms holding his body tight. They felt nice and comforting.

He turned around and gasped slightly. Tom? That pit in his stomach tightened and he felt his face get warm.

Tom was still in a deep sleep, snoring gently against Bill’s arm.

A sudden pain emitted from his wrist and then the night before flooded into his mind.

He hadn’t meant to cut again…

Bill nudged Tom gently to wake him up.

“Hmm…” Tom moaned, scrunching up his nose. “It’s too early.”

“Tomi, please, I need to talk to you.”

Tom rubbed his eyes and sat up. “Oh, Bill, I thought you were mom. What’s up?”

Bill stared at him intently. “You were…holding me.”

Tom’s face got deep red. “I didn’t…”

“I think it’s really sweet,” Bill smiled softly, his stomach knotting up again as Tom’s eyes brightened.

“About yesterday…did you happen to hear the things I told you?”


“Okay, good,” Tom blushed.

“Tell me.”

Tom looked up into Bill’s dark, beautiful eyes.

“There’s a bond between us.”

Bill nodded. What was Tom trying to tell him?

“It felt so wonderful…your lips against mine,” he looked away in embarrassment.

Bill placed a hand on top of Tom’s. “Do you feel it then, those knots in your stomach?”

His twin looked back at him and smiled. “How did you know?”

Bill giggled. “I feel the same thing.”

The two felt both so childish and stupid for these sudden feelings. They were brothers.

“So what do we do now?” Tom broke the silence.

“Get ready for school, like usual,” Bill got off the bed, his legs a bit shaky, and went over to his dresser.

“Bill?” Tom said softly, following Bill off the bed.


Tom turned him around and instantly pressed his lips against Bill’s. His face reddened instantly.

“I had the urge…I’m sorry…” Tom muttered.

“No Tomi, don’t be sorry,” Bill smiled. “I like the way your lips feel against mine.” He giggled like a little girl. “This is so foolish of us.”

“But it feels so right,” Tom grabbed Bill’s waist and pulled him in for another kiss or too.

Bill felt almost dizzy and so giddy with happiness as he got ready that morning.

As the two walked to the bus, close together, Tom whispered, “We can’t tell anyone. Okay?”

And then a sudden thought crossed Bill’s mind. “What about Ina?” He still loved her. But he...

“Do-do you still love her?” his twin asked reluctantly.

“I do…”

Tom’s expression sunk.

Bill discreetly slipped his hand in Tom’s. “But that bond that we have. It’s so much stronger.”

Tom’s smile reappeared and though he didn’t want to, he let Bill’s hand go because they were nearing the bus stop.
♠ ♠ ♠
title:doctor, cute is what we aim for

i might update more tonight
but you have to comment =]