
Rewind and Press Play

That day after school Tom knew Bill was feeling down.

Bill had really loved Ina. He’d seen it in those months they had been together.

It basically was his fault that they had to break up…but Bill had said he loved Tom over Ina.

Currently Bill was being a good boy and doing his homework. It was English. He only liked English.

Tom should have been doing his homework too but well, Tom could care less about school. That’s why he’d wanted to be a rock star in the first place-so he could get out of school.

He was kinda bored. Bill hadn’t talked to him much since they’d come home from school. He wondered what Ina’s reaction had been. And he wondered how Bill himself was feeling with all of this…

Twin telepathy worked for once and Bill walked in the room.

He wasn’t looking too happy.

“You okay?” Tom asked, pulling his headphones off.

Bill shrugged and sat down on his bed, pulling his knees up to his chin.

Tom crawled onto Bill’s bed and sat next to him.

“I’m sorry Bill,” Tom said and wrapped his arms around his brother.

“I hadn’t thought it would be that hard…” Bill muttered, starting to cry.

“What did you tell her?”

“I told her our managers said rumors would fly that could hurt us if they press knew we were going out. Also that we were going on tour.”

“Are we going on tour?” Tom asked, he couldn’t remember.

Bill shrugged. “Hoffman hasn’t called in awhile.”

Tom held his brother tighter.

“I just…my heart feels so broken…” Bill looked up at Tom affectionately. “But I…I didn’t love her…I thought I loved you.”

“You’re just confused,” Tom petted his soft, black mane of hair.

“Can you…can you make it better?”

“What do you mean?” Was Bill asking for sex? Because Tom wasn’t ready for that yet.

“I dunno…” Bill’s face got red. “I shouldn’t have asked.”

“You want me to…to touch you?”

“Would that make me feel better?” Bill asked with a soft look in his eyes.

Tom really wasn’t experienced with this kind of stuff, but he’d wing it. “Yeah, I’ll make you feel better.”

It was pretty awkward at first. Tom wasn’t sure what to do that would make Bill feel most pleasured.

So Tom just kissed him, hoping that would help him along.

And it did. Tom didn’t want to hurt Bill’s frail body, but he positioned himself just slightly on top of his brother’s body so that Bill wouldn’t feel too much pressure.

Tom kissed him forcefully more than affectionately like times before. He forced his tongue into Bill’s mouth and tingled as Bill smiled underneath the deep kiss and as his long, slender fingers started to roam up Tom’s shirt.

Tom slowly inched off the top of Bill’s jeans and slowly slipped his hand down Bill’s boxers.

This was uncharted territory. They’d never gotten this far, never touched or felt.

Bill giggled as he felt Tom’s cool hands against him.

Tom was nervous as hell that he would do something wrong. But now that he was there and familiarizing himself with what his brother had to offer he relaxed a bit.

He kissed Bill’s nose. “Tell me if it feels weird or wrong or anything,” he said softly.

Bill smiled and nodded.

They started to kiss again and Tom inched down Bill’s boxers so he could have more room to work. He slowly started to stroke him, petting him and rubbing him hear and there.

“Oh fuck that feels good,” Bill moaned as he broke away from the kiss.

That moan was all Tom needed. He knew what to do know. His fingers lightly brushed Bill’s length, making his whole body tingle. Tom started to pump him, slowly and gently.

Bill moaned again. “Mmmm…Tomi…”

Tom went faster, being less gentle and Bill started to moan like a whore. He’d never heard moaning like that before, even with the girls he’d been with.

He felt quite proud of himself.

“Should we go anymore?” Tom whispered, his lips against Bill’s ear.

Bill’s body tensed. “What do you mean?”

“I could give you a blow job I guess…”

“Nein, nein!” Bill cried. “I’m not ready for that yet.”

His eyes started to flood with tears.

Tom pulled his hand away. “Okay I won’t Bill I promise.”

Bill started to sob and he threw his arms around Tom. “I’m sorry...”

“It’s okay,” Tom kissed the top of his head. “We’re not ready yet.”

Bill kept on crying. Tom hadn’t meant to do that. Bill was just afraid for anything more yet, he knew that.

He pulled the covers up over the two of them and held Bill tightly, trying to stop his crying.

Tom let him crying against his chest for awhile. Finally he stopped.

“I’m not going to rush you into anything Bill,” Tom said gently, rubbing Bill’s back.

“I know…I just got afraid.”

“That’s okay. I’m afraid too for something more. But we’ll know when we’re ready.”

They were quiet for a few minutes.

“Tom?” Bill said softly, looking up at his twin. His face got warm, he was blushing.

“Ja, Bill?”

“I do…I do want you to be my first,” he looked away for a moment.

“That’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Tom whispered and petted the thick, black hair.

Bill giggled. “I always wanted it to be special,” he entwined his fingers with Tom’s. “And we’ve got something special.”

Tom smiled. “We’ll do it whenever you’re ready.”

His twin smiled and buried his face into Tom’s chest. “Thanks Tom.”

Tom kissed him softly. “I’d do anything for you Bill.”

Bill smiled and wrapped his arms around Tom, pulling his jeans back up onto his waist. “I want it to be soon,” he muttered, thinking of how sensual that felt when Tom touched him.

Tom felt his body tense. “Can I be real honest with you Bill?”


“I-I’m kinda afraid too…”

“But you’ve got experience.”

Tom blushed. “Not as much as you might think.”

“So you didn’t sleep with three girls?” Bill asked, looking up at Tom with a confused look.

“Only one,” Tom sighed. “And it was terrible. I was afraid to…to use it…”

Bill giggled. “Well, then, we’ll help each other.”

He ran a hand up Tom’s shirt, gently rubbing his side. Tom tingled.

“A few months maybe?” Bill asked.

“It’s up to you. Whenever you want, I’ll be ready.”

Bill put his face in the crook of Tom’s neck, kissing him a few times.

“I love you Tom,” he muttered and let out a big yawn.

“I love you too,” the two kissed softly and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
very happy to finally write some good things ;]
more will come soon.
i promises.

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