
I Scream Bloody ***

Their lunches were gone and they still had twenty minutes until they needed to get to their next class.

“So, what do you wanna do?” Bill asked, rubbing Tom’s thigh gently.

“What do you wanna do?” Tom asked, looking at his twin lovingly. He smiled slightly.

“I dunno…” his brother returned the smile and their lips pressed together gently.

Their fingers laced together and they continued to share soft, tender kisses.

Bill sucked on Tom’s bottom lip, begging for entrance. Tom parted his lips, feeling the cool piercing slip across his tongue.

He sighed and leaned back into the chair.

Bill threw a leg over Tom’s body, straddling Tom’s waist as they continued to kiss.

He tingled as Tom’s hand crept up his neck, touching the place where the symbol was tattooed, and then buried themselves in dark hair.

No one will ever stop us, Bill smiled to himself.


Ina peeked in a few classes, looking here and there for that black mane of hair. She sighed, feeling defeated, and sunk down onto the floor.

She looked around the hall and was sure she’d checked all the classrooms.

Where could he be other than here?

They weren’t allowed to leave school.

But who knows, there were always exceptions for famous people…

She sighed, thinking about all the other crap she had gone through.

Things had been okay when she was with Bill. Though she was hated by every European girl, no one gave her crap for it.

And then when they broke up…ugh that was like hell. Everyone started harassing her. Obviously the rumors got out that Bill had broken up with her. And they mocked her for it.

They just didn’t know the circumstances.

There weren’t any clocks in the hallway, so she wasn’t sure if lunch was going to be over soon.

She stood up and went to the classroom beside her to see if there was clock inside.

She tried the door. Funny, these doors were never locked.

Ina looked inside, leaning against the door to try and see the whole room.

She saw shadows, movement within the room, and leaned in as far as she could to see what was going on.

Ina let out a small gasp and almost fell to the floor.

Bill and Tom…kissing…?

Nein, nein…she looked away. Had she really just seen that?

She leaned in again.

Bill sitting on Tom’s lap, their lips connected, Tom’s hands twisting themselves in Bill’s hair.

Ina’s eyes welled with sudden tears. Tears of betrayal and fright combined.

No, she had to be seeing things. They were brothers, twins!

She looked back for a third time and saw the same thing.

Who else had emo hair and dreadlocks in this school?

No one but them…
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