
Where Do We Go From Here?

He sat at the kitchen table and poured out some Cheerios for himself, sprinkled in the milk and a spoonful of sugar like he always did, and started to eat.

There were still tingles in his stomach, the good kind though.

Tom was still sleeping.

Though Bill could have stayed in bed for as long as he wanted, which he was quite capable of doing, he was hungry and planned to at least try and do some of his school work.

He wasn’t too sure what was going to happen next, though. Was he going back to school soon? Hadn’t Andreas said people knew of him, of him and Tom?

Bill walked over to the counter. His mom had left him a note, saying she was grocery shopping.

It was unusually dark out for noon. He looked out through the window. There were storm clouds rolling in and no sun was coming through the dark clouds.

“Why does everything feel so melancholy today?” he muttered to himself. It almost felt to him like he was in a horror film, like something was going to jump out at him.

He sat back down at the kitchen table, hoping Tom would wake up and notice he wasn’t there and come downstairs too.

But he didn’t.

There was a sudden knock at the door and Bill jumped, not expecting it. He was almost afraid to go and answer it but then he laughed to himself. He wasn’t afraid of anything. It was probably a neighbor or something.

He opened the door and ran a hand through his messy hair.

There was a tall, big, important-looking man standing at the door.

“Can I help you?” Bill asked, feeling suddenly sheepish.

“Are you Bill Kaulitz?” the man’s voice was deep and menacing.

“I...uh…I’ll go get my mom…”

“That’s not necessary son. We know she’s not around. And you’re coming with us,” the man pulled Bill by the shoulders and Bill let out a defenseless yelp.

“Get the fuck off of me,” Bill cried and tried to kick the guy in the balls. But the man had both Bill’s arms held tight and was pulling him from the house to the truck parked outside.

“We’ll explain later,” he kicked Bill in the leg. It hurt so bad he started to cry. It felt like it was broken.

“Tom!” Bill screamed desperately.

He was slapped across the face and thrown into the back of the truck. There were no windows, no means of escape. The back door was bolted and it was dark and hot in the little cubical, like being stuffed into a trunk.

Bill cried for Tom still, for anyone that could help him. He had no clue what was going on, he only knew that he was scared and alone.

A few minutes later he heard the door being unlocked and a bit of light as the big man was struggling to fight off Tom, Bill’s strong older brother. Though Tom was big and strong, it wasn’t enough, and he was thrown into the back of the truck with Bill. The door was bolted and the darkness ensued.

As Tom’s eyes adjusted as well as they could to the darkness, he crawled over to his sobbing brother in the corner and wrapped his arms around him.

“It’s because of who we are,” Bill whimpered and buried his face into Tom’s chest.

Tom wanted so much to comfort him, but he knew their secret had been out and that Bill was right.

“They’re going to take me from you forever,” his twin continued to sob.

“Shh, my love, they wouldn’t dare do that or I’d kill them all…”

“Oh, Tomi, then they’d kill you!” Bill cried.

Tom just let him cry, petted his hair until Bill had worked himself out of the hysteria and fallen asleep on Tom’s shoulder.

It was then, as the truck moved to some unknown, frightening destination, that Tom too began to cry.

Why did love have to be wrong?
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yay for an update, right?!
i love snow days ♥
i get to finally update.
hopefully i'll be updating lots more because i'm finally home after school and such :]