
Ich Brech Aus

Middle of October, 2005

Bill finally got back to school the next week. He was still weak, still had a hard time doing things himself, but he knew Tom would be around to help him and protect him from anyone that threatened him.

And when Tomi wasn’t around he’d have Andreas. He was a good friend too.

Bill walked into his first period class, hoping his makeup was okay. His hands had shaken that morning while he was putting it on. He was so frustrated that Tom had had to help him.

And his hair…well that was another story. It had all grown out. The back was now as long as that ever-present emo flap. And he looked so different, he hated it. It made him look older.

Tom and his mom said it actually looked better and it was time for a change, and he didn’t argue.

He took the seat next to Tom, who was talking to the pretty blonde beside him.

“So, are you single?” he heard Tom asked.

Bill rolled his eyes and smiled. Good old Tom.

He really had missed school. He looked around the familiar French Class room and took in a breath. It always smelt like apples and cinnamon in there, he loved it.

A few people called his name, asking him where he had been the past two weeks or so.

“I had a terrible cold,” he told everyone, faking a scratchy voice.

And that would keep things down. It would certainly explain why Tokio Hotel wasn’t on tour at the time.

Bill turned his attention to the front of the classroom, where his teacher Mr. Reaman was setting up for class.

He was a queer guy, but he was funny at times, and he always had to harass Tom to throw his gum away.

He sat back in his seat, hoping maybe he just do some catch-up work during class so he wouldn’t be lost, but instead Mr. Reaman pointed to him and called him up to the front.

“Ja?” Bill seemed confused.

“You’re going to do a dialogue. Tom has told me you learned anything on your little break,” Mr. Reaman handed him a paper filled with nonsense that Bill had never learned and then shot a glare at Tom.

Tom just stared back like ‘what are you looking at me for?’ and chewed on his gum like a cow, slouching down into his chair. He smirked to the girl beside him, and she giggled.

Bill rolled his eyes once more and looked at the words.

“Ina, you can do the dialogue with him,” Mr. Reaman added, pointing to a girl near the back that Bill had never seen or probably just never noticed before. She was tall and pretty, with wavy strawberry blonde hair and a gorgeous smile with cute dimples.

Bill couldn’t help but smile as he looked at her. A knotted feeling formed in the pit of his stomach, similar to what he had felt when Tom had held him.

She smiled back at him, showing a set of perfect, straight white teeth.

Bill stumbled a lot with the dialogue, he knew it had to do something with food though and being at a restaurant, so he tried as best he could.

Ina’s French was beautiful and eloquent, he felt like an idiot for faltering so many times. When they were finished he handed the paper back to the teacher and kept his head down, stumbling a few times as he got to his seat.

He sat there with an embarrassed expression on his face the whole rest of the class.


Bill sat with Tom and Andreas at lunch, trying to force the food down his mouth but really he was not hungry.

And he was glad that he’d kept his breakfast down. He could have purged it if he wanted to but for the first time in awhile he didn’t feel he needed to.

His size ones hadn’t even fit that morning, and still he called himself fat.

Bill saw a flash of blonde hair out of the corner of his eye. He looked up and saw Ina passing by. She met his gaze.

“Hi Bill,” she flashed a cute smile and a little wave.

“Hallo,” he said quietly, barely looking at her. She walked off and his eyes followed her. A soft whiff of apples trailed her.

“Oh boy, Bill’s in love,” Tom said loudly and him and Andreas started to laugh.

Bill went red and hid his face in his hands. Ughhhh, why did his brother have to point out the obvious so loudly?

If only he knew how to talk to her…


Bill went out into the courtyard, they were waiting for the bus to pick them up and take them home. He was walking with Andreas, he was talking about Paris, where he had lived his whole life, and Bill was trying to listen but he found it quite hard to.

He looked around for Tom, worried about where he might be.

This whole day had gone well, no one had confronted him because at all times he’d either been with Tom or Andreas, and he hadn’t been picked on. He was actually glad he went to school for once.

As he turned the corner he spotted something behind the few trees hidden in the shade.

He let out as sigh as he watched Tom suck face with that blonde he’d been talking to before French class.

He always got the girls, didn’t he?

“Tom!” Bill called, seeing the big yellow buses coming in.

Tom let go of the girl, quick wrote down his number on her arm, and then joined Bill and Andreas with an enthused smile.

“She’s pretty hot,” Andreas said, watching the girl walk off to her bus.

Tom’s was sure eyeing her up. “I’m thinking about messing around with her.”

“Oh Gott,” Bill rolled his eyes and glared at Tom.

“Well I told you not to come in our room for a good hour or so!” Tom cried.

“Was?!” Andreas cried. “Obviously I’ve missed something here.”

“Yeah Tom and this girl who wasn’t even his girlfriend decided to screw like midday and I walked in on them,” Bill sighed, wanting those terrible images to leave his mind.

Tom acted all macho when really he’d only slept with two girls. And he sure did gloat about them enough for twenty fucks.

Bill didn’t even know how to talk to a girl.

He listened half-heartedly as Tom explained some pretty detailed things to Andreas as they got on the bus. It was disgusting and he didn’t wanna hear it but he had to admit that he could learn some things from his brother.
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dude. i made tom a slut again XD
