Sequel: My Secret Untold

Not What I Expected

Chapter 15

White was everywhere. Nothing other than the color white… but in the background… there were small beeps and shuffles.

A low sound came out of my mouth as I came to reality. My eyes somehow managed to open slightly and I was surprised to see that I was alive. I looked around and concluded that I was in the hospital.

Suddenly, I heard shuffling and a short female nurse came out of the room’s bathroom.

“Looks like sleeping beauty is finally awake,” she smiled.

I just stared at her as she bustled about the room.

“That cute boy just left before you woke up. I’m sure he’ll be back soon.”

Knowing who the cute boy was caused the beeping on the heart machine to speed up, making the nurse laugh.

“Looks like that boy means something to you.”

I nodded, “Yeah…”

Then the nurse began to inspect my neck.

“Do you remember how you got this mark on your neck?” she asked.

“What mark?” I asked, playing dumb.

The nurse grabbed a mirror and gave it to me, “You sure you don’t know what this is?”

I stared at the place I thought I had bite marks, but instead I found a faint blue figure. The shape of it was odd how there were two round areas that were about and inch apart with a faint line connecting them. It was such a faint marking, that I couldn’t determine exactly what it was.

I lightly touched it, “I don’t have a clue how I got this.”

The nurse sighed and put the mirror back, but then she smiled.

“Well, let me take a look at your arm.”

She carefully unwrapped the bandages on my right arm to show a long gash down my forearm that was stitched together.

I cringed upon seeing it.

“It’s looking much better,” the nurse announced. “You got extremely lucky.”

She immediately started wrapping new bandages on my arm as I looked around the room again.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and someone walked in.

“Welcome back,” the nurse greeted.

My heart rate sped up, making both of them laugh.

Alex… I thought, gaining his full attention.

“Well I’ll go and leave you two. I’ll be back in a few hours,” the nurse stated as she bustled out of the room.

Alex shut the door behind her and then came to my side.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Better, but I’m all confused.”

He smiled, “I knew you would be. What are you confused about?”

“What happened to Cacie? How did you get us out of there?”

“Well, after you passed out, I managed to get to Cacie and I guess you can say...” he paused, “I got rid of her.”

I looked at my bandaged arm, “Oh…”

There was a bit of silence until Alex spoke up again.

“Your thoughts scared me when you were falling unconscious,” he admitted.

“I’m sorry,” I replied without looking at him.

Alex sighed, “It’s over now. It doesn’t matter. You’re alive and okay.”

I smiled to myself and a soft pink colored my cheeks.

Then I remembered the marking on my neck.


He gave me an apologetic look, “I’m really sorry.”

“What exactly did you do?”

“Well, instead of drinking your blood like Cacie wanted…” he scratched the back of his
head, “I kind of… well… um…”

“Is it really that hard to say?” I questioned.

“Kind of.”

I smiled, “OK then. I can wait for you to find the right words.”

Alex sighed again and then pulled up a chair beside the hospital bed. He laid his arms on the edge while resting his head on them and he faced towards me.

“Do you remember the day you asked me about the point of my fangs since I don’t drink blood?”

“That was the night that I hid up at Dairy Queen,” I replied, blushing ever so slightly.

“OK…” Alex sat up and looked around the room trying to find the right words.

I smiled, but continued to wait patiently.

He looked back at me, “That night… when I said that drinking blood wasn’t the only use… you thought of something that wasn’t… well… what I was thinking of…”

It immediately clicked in my head and my face quickly turned a bright red. I could feel the heat radiating off my face and I put my left hand to my face.

Alex gave me a curious look, “Are you okay?”

I shook my head and put my right hand to my face.

Suddenly, Alex got a small smile on his face and I knew that he read my mind.

“Y-You… w-we’re… b-b-bonded?” I questioned more to myself than him.

He gave me a guilty look, “I’m really really sorry. I didn’t want to turn you into a vampire so I did the only other thing I could do.”

I started to take deep breaths and Alex chuckled softly.

“Are you going to be okay?”

I nodded and took another deep breath.

Alex waited quietly as I calmed down and a small smile crept to his face when my thoughts started to make sense again.

“So now…” I started, “we’re, like, together… forever?”

Alex gave another guilty look, “Or until one of us dies.”

I nodded slowly, still trying to convince myself that I really was awake.

“You’re really going to be okay?” Alex asked again.

“Yeah… I’m just… trying to convince myself that I’m not dreaming.”

“So you’re not mad at me?”

“Why would I be mad? You saved me, choosing the option that would hurt me less,” I
paused. “I couldn’t be mad at you even if I tried…”

Alex looked at me, completely dumbfounded. Then he suddenly leaned towards me and kissed my cheek quickly.

My heart rate sped up like crazy, making the machine beep loudly.

Alex chuckled and gently placed his hand on my right arm.

“Is everything okay?” my nurse asked as she frantically ran in.

“Yes,” Alex answered with a laugh.

The nurse suddenly grinned upon seeing me holding my cheek and Alex’s hand on my arm.

“OK. Be careful not to scare us like that.”

We both nodded, me still in a daze, and the nurse left.

Alex smiled, “You need to control that.”

“But you--- jerk…” I muttered.

He laughed and rested his head on my bed, facing towards me again. He kept a smile on his face that made me blush. His smile grew bigger.

Before I knew it, Alex fell asleep in the same position. I was going to wake him up and make him go home and get some rest, but I decided against it. I really wanted him there with me more.

For several minutes, I watched him as he slept before I started to get sleepy.

As I drifted off, my mind spoke a little while longer.

Thank you for every thing and I’m glad I know what you are…

Then my mind changed to dream mode as I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw... Isn't that cute? Ha ha. So she's okay and he saved her by well... becoming her mate... I guess you could say. Heh. Honestly, saying that is really embarrassing for me since... well vampire Alex is based off the real one. Anyway, please comment and I might get the last chapter up. :) Thanks guys.