Into Your Arms

New Years Eve

"No. No, no , no!" I stammered trying to bolt right out of the door at the sight of a party infront of me.

"Yes. You are going in that party and you are going to have a good time. You know fun. And you'r going to do this John, or no John." Cadence said as she, Lizzie, Addison, and Amy pushed me through the doors of the party.

"Bye."Then they leave to get drinks. And meet up with the guys.

"Hi would you liketo dance?" Some random guy asked. I nodded. If you can't beat them, join them.

After about ten minutes of that I found outt he's a creeper so I left to hang out with my friends who were all sitting at some booth.

“Care for a dance?”

I turned to my left only to come in contact with none other than John who was now standing up, his hands stuffed nervously in his black pants. My green eyes trailed up his chest until they finally were met with the sparkling orbs of John, looking down at me expectantly. I blinked stupidly, “Right now?”

I noticed the small flush of red inhabit his cheeks as he brought a hand up to pull a strand of his brown locks uneasily, “Yes now. I’m not going to ask you now only to dance with you tomorrow.” He explained, laughing gently.

“Go. We’ll watch your beer.” Kennedy assured me with a wink, resting his arm on the back of his chair.

I looked at him, knitting my eyebrows together before clearing my throat, turning to fully face John yet again. “Sure.” I said, standing up slowly. He smiled at me, his hand grasping my own as he led me through the large crowd of people gathered under the sparkling ball that hung in the center of the party. The bass pumped through the large speakers and I barely recognized the fast tempo to be a familiar song. Couples all around us were wrapped up in each other’s arms, dancing methodically to the music. My eyes quickly flashed back to John who stood there just as stiffly as I did before I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulling him close to me as his hands found my waist, pulling them into him as his eyes caught my own.

I barely remembered moving to the beat of the song as it quickened, my hands running through his hair as it did. I felt my heart speed up as we continued to grind against one another, never daring to take our eyes away from each other. I felt the hands he had on my waist glide to the back of my dress, lingering on smooth fabric before moving upwards towards the bare flesh of my back. His hands were like hot coals against the cool feeling of my skin, melting the surface around his careful fingertips on contact. I shivered mindlessly against him, subconsciously moving myself closer to him, his hot breath hitting my collarbone as he looked down at our movements.

I felt every subtle movement and every quickened breath in that short time span only before my mind drifted to a few nights prior. He didn’t want to remember the kiss—he didn’t want anything more than what we already had; our friendship. My eyes wandered up to the large ball that was to drop at exactly twelve—the hour in which would ring in the new year. The hour in which everyone would be forced to partake in a stupid kiss. A shiver ran down my spine at the all too familiar memory before gulping.

I suddenly felt self-conscious. I wasn’t dancing with a potential boyfriend—hell, I wasn’t even dancing with a potential quickie...I was dancing with my best friend. I was getting turned on by my best friend.

“John.” I breathed, pushing his shoulders gently.

His head shot up, his blue eyes dancing wildly, even when we weren’t. “What?”

I shook my head, once again shoving him back gently. “I can’t do this—”

He smirked, “What, dance?” He asked, “You were doing a pretty damn good job a few seconds ago.”

“No. I mean this,” I said, moving my hands around from his body to my own. “I just can’t do it.” I muttered, turning on my heels. I immediately bumped into a rather large man, mumbling an apology before continuing on towards the doors.

I sensed John at my heel, walking quickly in hopes to catch up with me. “Taylor, wait!” He said, following me up the large stairs leading to the doors that exited out into the main foyer.

I continued to walk, grasping the key that I’d hung around my neck nervously. Why did I ever agree to staying at this hotel? “John, go back to the party.” I said venomously, barely hearing the chanting for the New Years countdown begin just behind us.

“No!” He said, finally grabbing my wrist. “Not until I know what I did wrong!”

I turned my head sharply, glaring at him menacingly. “You’re fucking bi-polar, you know that?” I asked, yanking my hand away from him to open up the doors before us.

John’s eyes widened, following closely at my heel as I walked towards the elevators. I felt weak, from the lack of sudden contact we had just shared. “I’m bi-polar?” He repeated, stepping in front of me as I waited like a moron for the elevator. So much for a dramatic exit.

I glared at the door just passed him. “Yes, you.” I confirmed, folding my arms across my chest.

“How? We were just dancing and all of the sudden you stiffen up and run out on me!”

My eyes widened, “Suddenly?” I snapped back, “I suddenly snapped back at you? Right, because I was perfectly comfortable at this stupid party anyway, right?”

His eyes were glued to me, wide in shock. “Well you sure as hell weren’t running away! What the fuck did I do?”

The elevator finally dinged, and I stepped inside hoping with all of the fiber in my being that he’d get the point and go back to the party. No such luck. I faintly remember pressing the number three on the dial before turning around, fuming.

“Well?” He asked, waiting impatiently for an answer.

I glared at him immediately. “First we're friends, then we kiss and everything fucking changes...then I think to forget about the kiss! And oh, look where that brought us! On a fucking date...or, I'm sorry, a social gathering together--with some stupid countdown forcing us to kiss. It’s not nice, John!” I warned, gripping the key in utter anger.

“What are you talking about?” He questioned, his eyes narrowed in concentration.

“Why did you have them bring me here if you didn’t want anything to happen between us? To lead me on?” I questioned, clenching my jaw in hopes to keep any sort of dignity I had intact.

John’s eyes watched me carefully, "Who said I didn't want anything to come from this?” His voice was calm; the elevator doors finally opened, revealing the carpeted hallways.

I pushed past him, "You did!” I snapped the key from around my neck, wrapping it around my hand as I saw my room. Not a very good reason, but give me a break I'm moody right now.

"I wanted to save our friendship! We weren’t fucking talking!" He explained; his voice suddenly angry again.

"No, but now we're yelling." I told him, finally reaching the door. My hands were shaking violently as I slid the key card up to the black pad sticking out against the warm shades of the wall-paper surrounding us. I stared at it for only a moment before slowly swivelling the card through the system; the button flashed green.

“Tay...” He said quietly, reaching for my hand as I slowly walked through the door.

I turned, wounded, to face him. “What do you want John? Honestly, just tell me what you want.” I spoke softly, but my voice sounded strained.

His eyes were locked into mine, speaking a thousand words at the same time and yet only one seemed to escape his lips. “You.” He said, and all at once the world seemed to crash around us.

I watched his body move quickly before feeling the door frame behind me digging into my back. His lips immediately found mine in the midst of the heated confrontation, and yet they felt like they belonged there. They were just as warm as they were on that day, only this time they moved against mine in such a motion that only thoughts of ran through my mind. My arms wrapped around his shoulders on instinct, pulling me closer to him than ever before. His hands fumbled around my waist for only a moment before lifting me up just enough to push us into the room. He shut the door with his foot, and the room shook. His lips never left my own as my hands moved through his hair, pulling his lips hungrily against my own, coaxing my tongue against his bottom lip.

Within seconds, I felt the soft fabric of the bed beneath me as John landed just beside me, as he pulled off his blazer quickly, not daring to break any sort of contact between the two of us. It was as if every tiny hair on my body stood on edge, as his jacket finally slipped off of him, his hands immediately finding my thigh. His hands were slightly rough, but as they trailed further and further up my leg, hoisting the dress up along with it they felt as soft as anything. I felt his finger hook around the thin strap of my underwear before he yanked them down my legs, replacing the sudden cold feeling of air with his own warm touch. I shivered harshly against him, moaning out incoherently before being kissed by him again.

Our breathing was rapid. It was as if every sense I’d known from our friendship came through physically, and as I stripped off his dark blue shirt, I felt an entirely new sense that I’d never imagined feeling.

I trailed my fingers along his collarbone, dragging it up towards where I dug my nails into for a brief moment before letting go, swiftly moving my hands down to fiddle with the belt that hung low on his pelvic bone. After much struggle I finally got his belt loose, which left us both relieved from contact.

He pulled away from me, shoving the rest of his pants away completely, and I took the moment quickly. Moving myself from underneath him to rid myself of the soft dress I wore. He watched my every move heatedly before pulling me back towards him, our lips connecting.

His hands now worked the straps of my halter, completely untying it so the straps of the dress fell loose. He pulled away from me, removing the dress from my body completely, kissing my bare shoulders. His brown eyes locked onto the sheer fabric of my bra before a wicked smile spread across his features. I felt his hands glide up my flat stomach, resting on my ribcage to slowly pull the bra away. I was fully exposed now, and I couldn’t help but feel him through the cotton fabric of his boxers. His breathing grew rapid as my fingers delicately brushed against the waistbands of his boxers before pulling them down fully. His hands re-positioned to surround my head as he pushed himself up to look down at me. He didn’t say a word, for fear of breaking the much needed physicality of this specific time, but his eyes said everything. They were no longer blazing with any sort of anger, but instead with a heated passion that both of us felt the need to dominate towards. They were calm, yet wild. Careful, and yet reckless. They were the eyes of John, but a whole new John I’d never seen before.

Within seconds, a small blink broke the serene uproar of emotions before I felt his lips on my own yet again, his hand grasped my face, delicately holding it in place as our tongues brushed against one another. But it wasn’t until I felt him thrust inside of me that my definition of bliss had changed completely.
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Ok so sorry for not updating in a while but I hope this long chapter will make up for it.
Sorry its so sexual but I'm running out of ideas.

And please I need , NEED comments.